MIDI CC for fill mode


I am looking at the MIDI specification in the manual for the Model:Samples, and I can’t find a MIDI CC for triggering fill mode. Is there really none?


There really is none.


Alright - I have written to Elektron about it. Hopefully they will add it in a future update.



I think such a MIDI control would be much helpful. I mostly use the M:S for drums controlled by food and that option would allow adding variety without switching to another pattern. And it is usually much simpler / quicker to program.
It could be controlled by a specific note or CC for instance.

Is there any way to reach out to Elektron about firmware updates?

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I found this but don’t know if Elektron people are reading it:

I just sent them a mail. They responded, and seemed happy about me reaching out.

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Thanks for submitting this as a feature request! I submitted the same request about a month ago after being disappointed that it wasn’t available on the Cycles and Samples. Their MIDI CC support is pretty good, it’s unfortunate this was left out!!

It seems like it would be easy to implement on an unused CC, where a value of 0 would be off/no fill and 1-127 would be on/fill. If they wanted to get fancy, it would be even better to be able to enable/disable fill per track… but I know that isn’t a current option using the hardware.


Thats exactly what i need now, is a CC map control to the FILL button, to make it stay on, and then maybe a pedal to make it be off.

I’m also looking forward to see this feature in the future update!

same here I think it would be a great update on the firmware