Microphone vs. Fieldrecorder

I have a pair of these (actually the Uši) which I plug into my PCM-D50 (which can provide plug-in power) and they’re seriously amazing. I adore them. I can record TINY sounds with them.


Yeah I’ve been seriously considering a pair of these with my H4n. Glad to hear positive feedback here.

Anyone around here use iDevice mics?


The mics on them smartphones are pretty good these days, easily on par with the cheapest field recorders.

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Another phone user here.
The best recorder is the one you have with you at that moment… and my phone is always with me.
I have loads of field recordings from everywhere on my phone. Best thing is you can email yourself the recordings then open them in Audacity and then trim, normalise and eq…

Another plus is I don’t look silly when taking recordings like I think would with a big handheld recorder… a bit more inconspicuous :+1:


I don’t know that I would go that far. But maybe my phone is old…

All of this talk about having it on you is absolutely true though. Which is why I enquire about a iDevice mic. That Rode XY looks nice. Though now that Apple is going USBc maybe wait on it…

Shameless plug alert but I did all if this with people’s phone recordings. Compress / EQ, throw it in an OT and you have unlimited (totally workable imo) sound design potential:

well all I know is that most lowtier field recorders sound terrible compared to what one can capture with a “proper” recording rig using real mic pres and schoeps mics etc

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No question there.

I’m just saying that these phone mics seem designed to pick up fine midrange - vocal - as opposed to lowtier recorders which at least try for a wider spectrum.

But idk what these new crazy phone mics are like. Maybe theyre better.

But im not knocking phones as a way to capture sound. If that’s all you got on you it’s perfect.

Can definitely approve that phone mics get the mids quite well but the highs are usually a bit harsh and almost no low end. So for capturing voice or anything really that is lid dominant.

yeah sorry I didn’t mean to sound like a snob. I’m just saying that there might not be a huge step in quality of recording with a modern smartphone Vs recording with a really low-specced field recorder.

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a bit harsh sounding high freq response is a very common issue in lower quality SDC mics.