Micromac-D First Noises

I’ve put up some simple sounds from my first explorations of the Micromac-D.

Here are some unprocessed sounds from the first session:

And next… My second discovery session with the Micromac. Alternates between simple themes and random ideas as I search the knobs and switches for goodness… not hard to find in this box. The micromac is processed with a Strymon timeline as a send effect and there’s cv from an MF-102 hitting the VCO 2 pwm. Minimal eq was used on the Micromac, mainly to roll off under 30Hz.

I’ve added some drums and rhodes in parts to fill it out a bit.

Given the length and the lack of direction, this is really only suitable for synth nerds curious about the Micromac. If that’s you, enjoy!


Thanks so much for posting this - been hoping to hear more demos of the Micromac. Sounds great. Nice liquid-y filter sounds in there. I’d love to see a video of tweaking like this just to get a sense of what you’re doing when.

(Side note: have you been watching the videos Macbeth has been posting of the Nexus? Looks awesome too)

excellent Matthew. some lovely bits on ‘discovery 2’ … Mac-D with Strymon Timeline is my signal path too. :wink:
Still only just digging into mine some 6 months on - a vast amount of sounds to be had from a deceptively simple looking front panel. Great once you start patching in CVs too. I’ve made some incredible sounds with my Mac-D/SEM Pro / CP-251 combo : a fairly powerful semi-modular synth in effect. The Macbeth’s OSCs through the SEMs SVF is just glorious.

Cheers guys! Yeah, I don’t have a proper tripod but may look at rigging something up for a video clip. Nexus videos, oh yes, dangerous stuff!

My cv options are limited to the MF-102 and the Sherman FB… I’m ok with that for now, but at times wish I still had my CP-251, which I sold with my Voyager a couple of years ago.

Meant to add, there are reverb returns on the second piece as well, one Altiverb and the other Valhalla Vintage Verb.