MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Hum…MDUW MKI compatibility?

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Yeah should work, however AFAIK the MCL v 2.x.x firmware has not been tested outside of my environment (MD UW MK2).

The MCL firmware implements an exploit to use the MD trigger buttons as control input to the firmware without triggering internal sounds of the MD. I can only assume that the exploit works on the MDUW MK1/ MD MK1/MK2 models. Nobody has tested to confirm.

  • Justin

Welp, if you happen to have a spare proto you want to send my way, I’d be happy to receive it and test the crap out of it :content: :thumbsup:

This is the device I’ve been looking for to “modernize” the MD’s functions. Conditional trigs and the like are absolutely essential for me, now.

The best way to support this project is to go out and build one.

The more people building and using the platform provides incentive for me to work on developing the firmware, libraries and documentation.


pcb arrived in the mail today …

placed in a glass jar for admiration purposes only.

fully keen to buy a ten dollar usb soldering iron and start practising before the big event of trying to actually solder components.


So I just throw this out there to fulfill Justin’s idea of growing the user base. If you live in the US, there is a guy who goes by forum names such as Altitude and Altitude909. He has been in the DIY scene longer than me (2008-wow) and has built just about everything. He is a ‘trusted builder’ on a lot of projects. So if you absolutely cannot solder, he could probably do this project easily. You would have to buy parts and pay for his time and shipping etc. Anyways Google him if you cannot solder.

If this violates the terms of Wesen’s or Justin’s license, let me know and I will delete. I know many DIY licenses are cool with a few one-off builds. E-licktronic, xox box, midi box, lxr, etc.


@previewlounge Happy bday :slight_smile:

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I’d be happy to solder a few of these if you take care of the trouble of sourcing the parts and pay for shippping both ways. DM me in case you’re interested.

the parts are already sourced. There is a Mouser cart ready for action.

Cheers :slight_smile: The printed circuit board looks pretty amazing, keen to make a translucent enclosure for the ultimate contraption instrument expansiveness.

a second-hand Doepfer Pocket Fader arrived with the circuit board so that is currently slightly more usable as it is already assembled lol.

The mouser cart is about 90% of the components. You still need to purchase the SD Card breakoutboard, LCD, some arduino style headers from Adafruit or alternative. You also need to buy an ArduinoMega2560 or equivalent.

Also, just to re-itteterate. I’m not supplying PCBs, you can get them printed yourself. A run of 5 costs around $50-60 USD from Instructions on ordering the PCB are provided in the GitHub repo.

If you build one yourself, and then build a few to sell within the community to cover costs, that’s fine. As long as it’s within the realm of DIY and not a commercial run.


looking forward to supporting your efforts @JustinValer …this is amazing work you’re doing brother :slight_smile: the possibilities for both the silver elektrons have got music going in my head already!

life constraints make it all but certain i will need to enlist the support of a builder. for those of you in the usa who have worked with one before (as i have not):

what would you expect the full price incl. hardware to be to hire someone to build one of these, assuming the product is going to be robust, built to gig, built to last? solid like, say, a generation-1 minicommand?

i’ll very likely reach out to your builder suggestions, @Veets, at whatever reasonable price someone can (roughly) break down for me.


I’ve got the Analog4 integration working now.

Recording portamento melodies on the A4, storing them in the Grid along with their associated sound/kit data. Then recalling at will.

In the read and write modes the A4 mini keyboard is used to select which tracks of the A4 get loaded up along side key presses on the MD. For instance, you can press MD trigger 1 & 2 to load up a kick and bass line on the MD, and then press analog 4 C and D to load up two melodic tracks on the A4.
It takes about 1 beat at 128bpm to send the data across, but you can musically time the events so that the new tracks only start playing on the next nth step.

Both the MD and A4 are running at 4x Turbo. It seems stable. 8x Turbo doesn’t seem possible with the sequencer functionality as there’s not enough time to read the Midi ports and then trigger the sequencer events.


I’m considering offering my build-services. (I’ve been building/modifying/designing for over 10 years now: – some of my DIY stuff.)

PM me for details. Perhaps we can make a deal.

By the way, how much interest is there in a PCB group-buy? How many would definitely purchase a PCB if it were $10-15, shipped?

Are most people interested in the fullly-built device?


I’m down for 2 group buy boards.

I have orded 10 PCB´s, need 2 by myself. If anyone from germany need one feel free to contact me.

That’s great!
Please indicate your interest if you’re in the USA.

Hey, before I get too deep into this:
Regarding MDUW MKI compatibility, how does the MCL’s new sequencer interact with it? Does it matter that the MKI only has 32-steps, or is the sequencer fully stand-alone? Will the max number of steps still only be 64?

Do you have an screenshots/vids of the sequencer UI?

Vidoes will be made soon covering all the new features.

It doesn’t matter that the MK1 is only 32 steps. The expanded sequencer functionality is achieved by implementing an internal MIDI sequencer that sends MIDI note and CC data to the MD. The sequencer is programmed using the MD trigger interface.

Expanded Seq Step Edit:

  1. Select the track you want to edit on the MD using the dial or (function + track)
  2. Press the track edit button on the MC.
  3. Trigger buttons on the MD now function as step input in to the internal sequencer. Track, length, step micro timing & conditional are set using the 4 encoders on the MC.

We need to test the Trigger Exploit on the MK1 model. If someone wants to manually test, and has a MK1 with a midi interface send me a message and I can talk you through the procedure.


AAttention all builders:

Just a reminder that the OLED display whilst tested, is not currently supported.

I need to re-write all the GUI libraries to handle it.

I’m currently coding everything for the original HD44780 display. The plan is to back port the 16x2 display mode to the OLED, then eventually re-write all the MCL GUI to use pixel based graphics. But this is a long way off.


Take care in making sure the ICs are inserted the correct way around.
You do not want to have to try and desolder 32 pins.
3) Build order

Slightly different from the youtube order to accomodate testing.

  1. ICS: RAM, Octal Latch, Shift Registers
  2. Arduino male headers. 
  3. Capacitors. (Make sure the 220uF electrolytic cap fits when the arduino is connected)

TEST POINT: Run the SRAM firmware test.

  4. MEC switches (Make sure these sit completely flush with the board and are not leaning to one side)
  5. LCD Trimmer
  6. Resistor Arrays
7. Encoders (Make sure these sit completely flush with the board and are not leaning to one side)  
TEST POINT: Run the button and encoder test firmware.
 8. ICS: MIDI Optocouplers, HEX buffer, DAC 
  9. Resistors + diodes
 10. MIDI DIN ports. (completly remove the 2 front pins by pulling the entire piece of aluminum from the connector)
TEST POINT: Run the MIDIPort test firmware.

 11. Power Jack (+9V tip)
 12. SDCard header (the female header is placed on the bottom side of the board, and the pins are soldered from the top side)
TEST POINT: Run the SDCARD test firmware
 13. Display header HD44780 (soldered from the top side of the board, the bottom side is intentionally obstructed by MIDI ports). There are 2 display header locations, one for each display type, choose the correct one.
 14. Display HD44780 (Soldered to the display header once the header is installed, max height of display should be 1.5-2mm above mec switches (without switch cap).
 15. LEDs (+ anode pin nearest to the bottom of the board for both LEDs. )
 16. Power switch. (optional, you can solder a short between the two right most pins on EG1212B  
TEST POINT: Run the LCD and LED test firmware.

The MIDI DIN ports and display should be installed last.

The MIDI DIN ports get soldered on before the display, and require that the 2 front legs are removed from each DIN connector (don’t just cut the legs, pull the entire piece of aluminium out with a pair of pliers, this will prevent shorts with the display header). Once the MiDI DIN ports are in. The header for the HD44780 display is soldered from the display side of the board; the reverse side in which you would normally solder from is intentionally obstructed by the MIDI ports.

This is not ideal, but was necessary due to the space limitations of the board.

4) Display height. the top of the display (OLED or HD44780) should sit no higher than 1.5-2mm above the the height of the switches (without switch cap). This should allow the display and buttons to sit nicely if you use the enclosure design.

5) To install the male headers that connect to the MC to the ArduinoMega, insert the headers in to the ArduinoMega then solder with the arduino attached to the headers. This will ensure perfect alignment. See the youtube video.


This is great news!
Already digging back into my MDUW MKI and creating some weird, wild stuff…and subsequently changing kits without saving :dizzy_face:

Regarding the stated latency of 3ms and 12ms (at max data sent): Is it noticeable to your ears?

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