as I took the plunge into Eurorack recently, I thought it’d be nice to sample my first and only Eurorack piece into the MDUW. It’s a single Make Noise DPO sampled straight into the MDUW via Ram-Record. For some samples, the MD provides an IMP trigger into the Strike input on the DPO. Only minimal editing such as normalization has been done. MD sounds damn good, and it’s far from an outdated drum machine. Enjoy.
Sorry for being a noob, but do you need to attenuate the output of euro gear before running it into the MD/A4? I’ve been wanting to add a DPO to the rig for a while but don’t know much about modular gear.
Not sure about the Machinedrum, but I assume it should be the same as with the A4. You need to attenuate the audio signal. For that, I found Malekko’s 8NU8R a very handy module, but any attenuator would do. The first time I ran my modular through the A4, I couldn’t figure out why the filters did not seem to have much effect. Without attenuation, the audio goes over the A4 filters.
Thanks for the feedback. Actually, I have gotten quite good results connecting the DPO to the MD and A4 inputs. While it’s certainly not the best of the best practice both the MD and A4 have attenuators on their inputs which work just fine. Below is an example of the DPO connected straight to an A4 input. Input levels have been lowered to about 50% on the FX page and also on the track oscillator level. OSC waveform is set to “In L”. A4 is doing all the VCA and filtering duties here.
Yeah eurorack signals come out pretty hot. Lot’s of ways to attenuate though. Generally I send raw waves to a QMMG. It’s like a 4 channel VCA, Low Pass Gate and Lo/Hi Pass filter all in one. Savage module. From there I sub mix to an MFB Drum-99 mixer. That has stereo outs I send to my mixing desk.
Intellijel have a great series of mixing modules in their line now. Pretty pricey though. The Audio Interface looks like a handy tool