I have had the MD and OT for a few years and only recently started to work them both from a performance perspective. My setup is having the MD run through the AB on the OT, but my Kicks are weak and the MD just sounds very drowned out to the OT. I have tried to mix the levels and eq best i can but still no luck. In many ways I almost would rather have two OTs. One for drums and the other for whatever. Anyone have any tips on using both and getting the drums on the MD to really punch through the OT?
I don’t have much in the way of tips, but I’ve had the same problem running other drum machines (formerly Tempest, currently Tanzbar) through the OT input. I get a better sound plugging my drums into a mixer separately, so if possible, I’d suggest doing that live.
From your description it sounds like you’ve already tried turning down the levels of the other tracks so that the MD is loud enough. How hot are you running the MD into the OT? Is it distorting? In general I find the OT samples things without coloring, but I do notice a dulling effect when I run percussive content through it…
(I’m also thinking about getting a second OT for drums. Just waiting to see what the new machine is first.)
Thanks for the help. I don’t have much need to run MD through the OT since I am not using the FX of the OT so I will go to the mixer as you suggested. However, its tough getting wide sounds on the MD unless I duplicate tracks and pan them. This tends to use many tracks on the MD, so i might still output a group of tracks to the OT for Chorus or buy an outboard FX unit if i just can’t live with the dulling effect.
A second OT seems like the way to go since I use more sample percussion anyways. Everything just sounds deeper and thats kind of a bummer since the workflow is so fun and simple on the MD.
From what you are describing, maybe you need to do some compression on the MD. The MD can be very “transient-y” but we are used to compressed sounds in music. Sample packs tend to also have pre-compressed drums.
I don’t know if the OT can compress on the way in or if you have a track to spare. But the OT’s compressor is a lot easier to work with. Once upon a time I did a semi-obsessive examination of the MD compressor. To sum it up, I found the MD’s compressor to be tricky and also it can easily distort. Another possibility would be to pick up a small outboard compressor, run the MD to that, then run the compressor outs to the OT. More costly but easier to get higher quality results.
Again, not sure if this is your problem but from the description perhaps this might help you get the sounds you are thinking of.
For wide, panning is a good one or you can do a “fake chorus” on the MD with the delay. Set the delay to very fast and put the sound on one side, left or right. Make sure the delay is ping-pong stereo.
I have a similar setup and I really think to have Kick and Snare banging from the MD you need to have a mixer and use separate outs. I have not had much luck running everything through the OT.
I will usually do at least a stereo blend of lighter stuff from the MD and separate outs for kick and snare.
I feel the OT does color the sound quite a bit. I use it as a performance mixer but if I want to record a cleans signal like a kick or even a deep bass I’ll bypass the OT and go straight to the sound card.
I run my MD into my OT and found that things sounded much nicer when using the OT for kick drums. I also run the MD via a Niio analog track thickener for a some saturation & smiley eq before going into the OT. My MD master volume is never above half, think my OT mixer input is at about +15 or so. I only use a very mild amount of MD compressor/eq. I find that the MD has such strong crunchy mids they can need peeling back. Definitely wouldn’t say the MD gets lost in the mix, though I sometimes struggle to get desired amounts of sparkle in the high hats and snares.
i always used an external mixer and just ran stereo tracks from each machine into the mixer. i don’t see any reason to complicate things with further routing not to mention running the MD through another level of AD/DA conversion.
having each machine on its own mixer channel with separate level control and maybe some compression and a little EQ is flexible enough.
making the OT sum all the internal channels plus the MD seems like maybe you’d lose something there? i can’t say for sure though as i’ve not done it… seems a long way to go though… especially if you have FX etc… might get all smeared.
you can get an older mackie 1202 for $100 and they’re great for gigs. get an FMR RNLA and add some real snap and presence for live gigs.
I’m also currently running my units separately into a Mackie 1202.
I’m not yet using individuals outputs due to me currently having a Tempest as part of my setup. Although, I’m thinking more in terms of sampling it and using Elektron kit as the core for gigs.
I got the OT some weeks ago and also routed the MD into it. I have to say to me it sounds way more nicer with the OT. I have the exact opposite feeling regarding the punch.
And after I add the OT master compressor all glues nicely together.
My MD level is half way up and I have +37 gain in the OT.