MD only Jam

Just a Machinedrum only Jam. Love that Beast!

Nice groove Oliver :+1: You having a good experience with running MD -> RNLA then?

Yeah really nice, positively groovalicious:-) care to share which machines/samples you used?


I really love to feed the MD hot into the RNLA.

No Samples used, it’s all internal Synthesis. Mostly EFM and E12.

That’s really cool. :+1:

Yeah, EFM: King of the MD’s machines!

Sounds good!

nice man !..swinging like a mudda…

Which cables/how do you deal with the balanced out of the MD to the unbalanced in of RNLA, do you still use balanced cables? Do you use the side chain also, if how do you deal with another in out in the same socket of RNLA?

Thanks for answering!!!

That bassline is massive. Sounds great!

I use a MD MK1 and if i’m right it also has unbalanced outputs.

…but i believe i am using balanced Cables…i really don’t care about that…

should i?

I just don’t know I would like to know/learn more about this issue.

What I already learn is that a balanced signal is the same signal split and inverted(phase) in two different wires. If your MD was MK2(balanced out) I think the sound may be deteriorated if plugged in the RNLA.

As far as I know, I don’t know much, why I’ve asked, thanks for answering.

Sick track Oliver! Really well done.

I love house, and always marvel at how a simple tune can have so much soul. Whatever!

nice solid groovy track you made!