I can’t figure out how to mute/unmute a specific track on the machinedrum with a midi message. I’ve read the manual and there’s only one sysex message referring to midi and I simply don’t get it. I tried it and it also does not do what I want. Can you actually mute a specific MD track with a midi message?
Check Appendix B of the manual, it gives the values there. Example below. 4 midi channels using controllers 12-15 are required to control all 16 tracks. A value of zero gives track on, greater than zero mutes track.
MIDI base channel + 0:
| hex dec | Parameter | Trn | Rec |
| 0c 12 | Track 1 BD - Mute (>0 mutes trk) | | X |
| 0d 13 | Track 2 SD - Mute (>0 mutes trk) | | X |
| 0e 14 | Track 3 HT - Mute (>0 mutes trk) | | X |
| 0f 15 | Track 4 MT - Mute (>0 mutes trk) | | X |
Like I said, I read the manual and couldn’t find it so when I read your post I was confused. I didn’t think to look up my up to date .pdf manual. I’m actually reading the mk1 manual and it’s not in there. The list of midi messages you can send jumps from 0b straight to 10.