Hello everybody,
my problem is that my Machinedrum MK1 first froze after some time after powering up, then today it started showing DSP1 and DSP2 errors from time to time it booted up and froze again and now the screen is just black I can’t even open the maintenance menu.
Not sure the problem, but you could try a ‘soft reset’.
I believe you power on while holding the function button (check the manual for the specifics).
Sometimes this reset can fix weird os errors.
And to clarify…this will not erase any sound or patterns, just ‘reset’ the machine a bit. There are other reset modes for a variety of depth to reset the machine.
It spontaneously works for 10 to 20 seconds then freezes
When entering the service menu afterwards everything is okay
then when powered off for a minute it errors around again…
at the moment my mind turning around and I’m more and more confused
Someone please help
Here is about your on;ly source for a replacement… If you feel adventurous you can crack open the PS by using an allen key on those triangle screws… I opened mine up to find one of the leads had become disconnected… Not much to the internals just a transformer and cap…
I forgot to mention that I have tested the PSU and it’s at a healthy 8-9 Volts without the md connected wich will drop to around 6 Volts when the MD is connected because of the resistance building up
So my problem is the DSP error but if there are problems I’ve got an electronics engineer and a specialist for motorola DSPs nearby who will help me as good as they can to fix the DSP
personally I think the dsp board might be a bit loose at its connector socket because of the drive and shipping I mean it’s around 5 years old so it might be
by the way I paid 550€ for the MD and I’m not willing to pay 400 more for a guy taking 5 hours to disconnect the dsp board just to go to the drawer and take a new one and connect that one it seems a little to overpriced for me
UPDATE: The MD seems to boot up correctly after some tries it even starts frequently but crashes about 5 seconds to 20 seconds after bootup
UPDATE 2: I think it might be the internal battery as it may be empty and cause random actions of the MD
I really don’t think the DSPs are broken
As the MD uses a CR2450 battery it shouldn’t be too hard to find a suitable replacement