MC 707 / 101 : Roland Grooveboxes

Not sure, but try Note + Rest/Tie

This works for the octaves +/- pads, so I think it may also work for Rest/Tie

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Thank you, I have already tried that.

To set rests, we can use the VALUE knob as a workaround to navigate to the next entry position. But I would like to set ties here and there while in auto advance recording mode. Thats seems to be not possible …

Hit NOTE to go into chord mode, that makes REST/TIE available on pad 4. Then NOTE again to continue, obviously.


Thanks, clever idea. Unfortunately, my problem remains: Using this method I can insert rests but no ties :frowning: .

Aha, yes, you’re right, I was inserting rests.

I am afraid that there is no solution. The scale feature was added sometimes later. Probably, the developers did not think about this scenario. It wouldn’t be the first time with Roland.

Maybe contact Roland?

Done. I had to register my 101 before I could submit a support request. That always annoys me a lot.

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Already sent a support request about 18 months ago, but it was never addressed. They said if you want to use the tie function then you need to be in chromatic mode.

MC707 Jam :slightly_smiling_face: Flow 04 Dawless Melodic Techno 4 (mc707 modeld neutron crave blackhole jamuary ) - YouTube

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I don’t expect much from my support request. Maybe I’ll get to the right support person and he’ll report it to some developers. Let’s see.

Picked up a 101 a few weeks ago and just read through this thread - thanks all for all the useful tips over the months, great resource!

I’ve pushed it into action alongside the TR6S already, you can check the video out here:


I gave up on the 101 and avoided the 6S to arrange on. Its just too shift buttons and divey. But I do have the luxury of having multiple sequencers to fill the role.

Namely the Keystep Pro and a Syntakt.

Using the Keystep is a gamechanger if you are arranging tracks from the 101. It opens it up completely.

The 101 is a great soundbank for me. And if I need Roland effects, I can run the 101 into the 404.

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By the way, the MC-101 also has Roland effects built in. :laughing:

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This ^ Next to being a synth sounds greatest hits it’s also pretty much a Boss pedals best of. I love routing stuff through the 707’s external in into the fx :+1:

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no sh*t

I like the enhancer effect.

Phonograph is also fun.

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It really is an amazing soundbank, along with a highly competent sound design tool. I sequence it with the Syntakt when duo jamming (well, working on the first such duo jam). It works well for pads and leads and I feel it’s nearly a perfect companion for the Syntakt.

I feel like the MC-101 shines either when being sequenced externally OR when being sequenced using live recording, i.e. played as an instrument. The step sequencer frankly sucks for anything other than basic input of sterile drums. All in my humble opinion.


I agree.

It has a robust sequencer if you don’t have anything else, and is great as a live instrument, but if you want to be more expressive ie velocity sensitivity, it needs a different approach.

The drum samples. Haha. Not that bad until you hear it beside the TR8s or the raw beast that is Syntakt.

It really is all about context.


I do not find the drum sounds of the TR so much better. Sure, you can edit the sounds in more detail and just have the simulated inaccuracies of the old machines - if that makes you feel better. On the other hand, with the MC we have a much larger selection of built-in drum sounds, we have an EQ for each drum sound and six freely assignable compressors per drum track, not to mention the polyphony.

I own the MC-101 and the TR-6S. I use the TR as a kind of additional track for the MC. If I had to choose one of these machines, I wouldn’t have to think twice. My choice would definitely be the MC.

One of the reasons I would choose the MC is the fact that I can save everything to a project file. That’s pleasantly uncomplicated. With the TR, I’m annoyed by the cumbersome saving that has to be done separately for kits and patterns. OK, you can save both together with the Overwrite command. But then again, there’s the danger of accidentally overwriting kits and/or patterns, which has happened to me many times.