Math formula (OT´s delay)?

Hi all!

Just a quick question regarding the delay (subdivisions) in the OT?
From the manual…

TIME controls the delay time of the delay loop.
The actual delay time is relative to the current
tempo, and it is measured in 256th notes. For
instance, for a one beat delay (four 16th notes)
delay time should be set to 64

X bpm (4/4) => 256/4 = 64?
X bpm (3/4) => … = …?
X bpm (7/8) => … = …?

Math have never been my strenght. I´m getting confused about how I should write down the general formula, and everything gets worse if I´m looking at the “time knob” in the OT display since it range goes from 0(or 1 ?) <=> 128…

You don’t really need a formula to set the delaytime, it is a very simple division in 256th notelengths, so it is automatically related to whatever tempo you use! All you need to do is divide or multiply by two when you come down or go up in note durations. (and convert dotted notes by adding half a duration)

To break it down on the octatrack:

1 measure = 4 quarter notes = 8 eight notes = 16 sixteenth notes = 32 thirty-second notes etctera…

So you have 256 two-hundred fifty-sixths :wink: in a measure. The delaytime is set in 256th notes and you have 128 steps. (giving you half a measure of delaytime to play with)

So to set the delaytime to for example a dotted eight note for your dub pleasure:

dotted eight note = 3 sixteenth notes = 6 thirty-second notes = 12 sixty forth notes = 24 hundred twenty-eight notes = 48 two-hundred fifty-sixth notes

(Fortunately it’s dubby by default!)