Master Track issues (& bug)

I was preparing to ask a question about an anomaly I might have found off the back of a typo in the midi specs at the back of the manual

For Tracks 1 > 8 it details the note offset number for various remote midi-note functions

It should run C through G but runs C through G#
i.e. it gives a note offset range of +0 to +8 (missing out +4) instead of +0 to +7

Anyway - for future reference, should your Tracks not be trigging the machines even though manual trigging of machines is possible then it may sort itself out after a reboot - I got stumped and even a new project displayed the issue where tracks would not play, I could record into them and manually sequence them - just not play them, the machines - they were not plays free - a reboot tidied it up - but it threw me for a while

EDIT: Got to the bottom of this - i was using Max to trigger the tracks, normally for some controllers it is only the Note On velocity which is required, but if you send a Note on command on the auto channel that isn’t followed by the zero velocity (note off equivalent) command it will lock out the sequencer - even though the ‘note off’ isn’t used i.e. 144 36 127 must be followed by 144 36 0 (if auto channel was 1)

Besides the point above and the Typo in the midi-specs

I notice that the Master Track will ‘Play’ :arrow_forward: (or seem to) even when it is set to ‘plays free’

I can see there’s a difference in that the audio passes through the un-mutable track, but there’s a subtle difference if you want to play and visibly monitor the track playing with P-Locked settings you may have sequenced on that track - quite nice in Hold mode if you like to add something once in a while

I think we all know that the Master Track is hard wired in and the audio HAS to pass through it - but it would be nice to retain the ability to discern that the sequenced locks were playing (or not) - as it stands it will re-engage the :arrow_forward: icon at the start of the sequence even if you manually stop the track or fail to play it as a ‘plays free’

I say buggy or at least undesirable behaviour

one other anomaly to factor in fwiw

Trigs on the Master Track will interact differently with the Filter FX1 & FX2 Amp Setup options for envelope starting level

Usually the setup options follow this behaviour (outside Master Track)

ANLG :white_small_square: TRIGS (red) : attack will commence from current level (could be zero)
RTRG :white_small_square: TRIGS : attack will commence from zero
R+T :white_small_square: TRIGS & TRIGLESS TRIGS(full green) : attack will commence from zero (like RTRG for both)
TTRG :white_small_square: TRIGS & TRIGLESS TRIGS : attack will commence from current level (like ANLG for both)

Trigless Locks (dim green) have no influence on this aspect

Whereas, on the MASTER TRACK

Every Trig type (including Trigless Locks !) will behave as if it was a Full Trig referring to the above behaviour - this means only two distinct behaviours are possible


A reminder from the manual

Sample trigs trig the machine of the track, making the sample assigned to the machine play. Enter by simply pressing a [TRIG] key. Sample trigs are indicated by red LEDs.

Trigless locks do not trig machines, LFOs or FX envelopes. Enter them by pressing [FUNCTION] + [TRIG].
Trigless locks are indicated by half-bright green LEDs.

Trigless trigs function similarly to trigless locks, but trig LFOs and FX envelopes. They can only be applied by converting sample trigs or trigless locks.
Trigless trigs are indicated by green full-bright LEDs.

Obviously with no Machine to play the Trigless Trigs will behave the same as full Trigs on a Master Track

It is desirable to have the option to p-lock on the Master track and not restart the envelope (using Trigless Locks)
I haven’t explored the LFO behaviour

For me, this is a bug (it reduces options) and it contradicts the manual (the manual is especially clumsily phrased wrt the Env options btw)

I wonder if @Ess can comment or advise if this is known and advise the Manual editor about the Typos

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