Master hardware midi sequencer for live use? recommendations?

I’m not sure what that trick is.

I work in session view and have a dedicated clip per Elektron pattern I want to access.
I switch off the clip launch quantisation (set it to ‘None’) and switch off ‘Loop’ in the clip.
Each clip has the program change number I need.
There’s a bit of prep in making sure the CH.LEN settings are the same in my Elektron boxes (I usually stick to 16), but once it’s done I can launch a scene in Ableton and all the Elektrons change at the end of that bar.
I can then go in and launch individual ones in the usual Ableton way.
Once it’s laid out, a LaunchPad or Push 2 makes it a doddle to manage.
I also like that it means I can leave my Elektron units on pages I make most of the changes on.

I just wish I could get them all controlled and routed in Ableton with Overbridge and be able to get the timing tight with other audio/midi tracks, but that’s not there yet.

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