Is there a way to make the master fx parameters not be altered by bank changes?
For example: when changing between Banks the master fx parameters revert to whatever state they were saved in, rather than carrying across Bank changes. I hope this is making sense.
Lets say I want to transition from Bank A to Bank B by closing a LP filter on the Master fx. When Bank B starts, the filter will return to the position where it was last saved, rather than where I had it in Bank A.
Surely it would make more sense to have master fx parameters free from Bank changes.
Is there something in the Scenes that I’m missing?
Scenes can come handy to preserve the sound from switching between Banks.
Your master track will switch to the values saved with that Part. And Parts are Bank-related.
So, copying the Part to other Bank would help if you have some common transition Scenes.
Say that on SceneB(16) for Part-1 in Bank-A you have that Filter cutoff.
Every other Banks that you are transitioning to should have loaded the Part with that SceneB(16) active. so when you switch to the new Bank, your crossfader will be already in position with the correct F-cutoff Scene…hope this makes sense.
Anyway, i hope for an option to allow disabling a Master Track being linked to Parts at Bank level
The parameters you’re trying to control are tied to parts, of which there are four per bank. Switching banks necessarily means you’ll be switching parts, so what you’re asking can’t be done afaik.
(Upon thinking about it, I agree it would be advantageous to have the option you’re asking for. I’d never considered it tbh because I usually find I want different effects on the master track from one part to another, or at least different settings to begin with, just because compositions end up needing variations in sound. But that’s me.)
You might consider doing two things: First, create a set of maybe 6 scenes with different master track settings, then copy them to all the parts across all your banks. Next, set up your OT so you’ve got a track dedicated to transitioning (i.e. using a track recorder). You could then, for example, end one section of your jam on Pattern B16’s scene 4, record a few bars of it to the transition track, mute the other tracks and switch to C01. Crossfade to C01’s scene 4 before bringing in the other tracks, then you’ll have the same basic master track settings as on B16. You’d only have those 6 scenes as options for the sound you could maintain during your transition, but it would give you some choice.
Hope someone else points out an easier method I’ve overlooked