Manually re-loading samples?

I’m having a problem when sampling manually. Every time i load a project i have to manually re-assigned the samples. The correct samples show as being in the track/slot but they won’t play. I have to go into each track & press yes on each sample before it will play. Not a big deal for a few samples but if loads of slots are filled it’s a chore.

I’ve had my OTs for a while now & usually drag samples via USB onto the card. I’ve had no problems playing back samples/saved projects. But this is the 1st time i’ve manually sampled anything & it seems a bit odd.

Any help would be appreciated.


Is this because i’m using Flex tracks?

You have to assign your samples you sampled onto each track and then save the project… Or save it to new. Or make sample locks for those samples… I don’t see a reason why this has to be reassigned…

I think you have to do this because you have tracks set to recorder tracks on flex. Reassign the recorded samples, save and it should work…

Yeah it’s definitely because I’m using flex tracks. Another lesson learned, and so it goes on!
