From my understanding (I may be wrong), to sample you press track + source
track + ab to sample from ab
track + cd to sample from cd
track + midi to sample from internal sources
However this only seems to work if I’ve also set the source correctly in the setup menu. If I’ve not set internal as a source track + midi will record nothing. If I’ve not set and ab source, track + ab will record nothing, etc.
It seems there is something I’m missing - why have the three methods to sample if those do not automatically enable sampling from the selected source.
I understand the need to set a source. I don’t understand why there are three different ways to activate recording. It would make sense if the three methods set up default input sources (as some sort of quick-setup or rapid record from an input). As it works now, a newbie could press track + midi but record nothing if no internal source is set.
As it works now it seems it would make more sense to only have one method to activate recording. However because the octa is complex I’m not sure if there is some hidden reason that I’m not seeing. My question I suppose is if there is some reason for three methods to start recording.
I think what the OP is asking is why have a button combo like T1 + AB if when you do it records nothing (because the input source hasn’t been previously set).
He’s wondering why doesn’t pressing T1+AB activate the source as well as record it to avoid recording silence.
I’m not sure what you mean by “activate the source”. Inputs AB and CD are ready to be sampled by default, on every Track, without going in to the Recording Setup screens. If audio is coming in to the inputs, all you need to do is Tx+AB. No?