… on the elektron.se support page
thanks for the heads up!
with MIDI reference chart!
Sweet, thanks Mokomo
Woo! thanks going to dig in
The ‘nice ear’ symbol is actually used in this manual…hehe
Found it!
There is geometry in the humming of the string.
There is music in the spacing of the spheres. (Pythagoras, circa 530 BC)
A long time ago, the son of a Samian carpenter discovered that harmonic sounds were produced when fretting a vibrating string at certain geometric points. During his travels in the Far East he was to learn and understand the interconnectedness of all things. Phenomena in the heavens above and in the vegetable patch below were not intrinsically different. The proportion and spacing of natural elements like the moons of planets, the seeds of a sunflower or the dimensions of a well-crafted bow were all curiously - musical. Octaves, multiples of octaves, fifths and other musical ratios seemed to be at the core of all things, large and small alike. And the fundamental building block of all this was Number.
this is a GREAT way to start the manual. this is why i love elektron.
Yes, but it would be nice if they kept numbers in mind all through the manual
For example, there is no information about how samples of different sampling frequencies and bitrates are treated. I can load a 96khz 24 bit stereo WAV file into C6, but I have no idea how the AR would handle this. The manual says the D/A converters are 48khz /24 bit but I’m not sure whether something outside those maxima would be truncated, or ignored, or marked unplayable. Also not sure what happens to stereo sample files, does it play the left track, right track, or add them together and play that…?
Style is nice, substance is better.
check this out on multi-rate digital signal processing
might answer your first question.
second part, I imagine both channel’s wave forms are normalized to one channel… more info here
Not a DSP engineer or anything, but a lot of the information there seems relevant.
Elektron feel free to correct my wikipedia skills lol
Personally I’m enjoying my 'smugly ’ encoders
Based on the MD, I would guess that samples with higher sample rates would be would be converted down to 48Khz. The DACs are probably mono because the filter section is mono (AFAIK). So, the DSP likely converts to mono as well.
First thing I noticed as well.
OK, i finally understand more about the retrig function. pretty cool. I wonder now how long before we get the first OS update so that it works how it says it should in the manual though. ha. man this thing is so much fun.
i think its a phoney start to the manual for an electronic instrument.
its a drum MACHINE … not an acoustic kit with vibrating skins and rippling cymbals.
But i get the feeling they may be having a bit of a laugh writing stuff like that.
cos after all … its just a drum machine. a ‘synthetic percussion synthesizer’
Well the whole difference between Analog and Digital is that Analog gear circuitry vibrates ANALOGOUS to how an Acoustic instrument vibrates. This is similar to how the strings of a guitar vibrate when plucked. Digital gear doesn’t vibrate, it doesn’t move, it’s not organic. So they are very much in the right to include an introductory such as they have.
I really respect that Elektron is into the philosophy of music, my respect and adoration of Elektron has just risen because of this introduction.
I think you’re wrong
horse tail.
Then why are you even here? Just to talk shit about Analog? I think you’re wrong, I love the feel and the pulse of Analog gear, I can feel the electrical power within Analog gear, something that’s severely lacking with digital equipment. Don’t believe me? Go play with a proper modular rig/setup and tell me it doesn’t vibrate or have power. Analog cuts through, it’s piercing, unlike digital, in my opinion.
And would you mind telling me how it’s all shit? Please tell me how digital is exactly the same as analog, or can 100% reproduce the feeling of analog. I think you’re talking out of your ass, bring up some facts and references, please prove me and Elektron wrong instead of just saying we’re wrong, thanks!
Digital and analog circuits vibrate the electron equally well and jive with the pursuits and proses of Pythagoras.