Yeah, I’m best known as a psy-trance DJ via my residency at Cabbage (Leeds, UK), but I’ve been performing live sets (psychedelic techno/trance and chill-out) with my musical partner O.V.N.I. for almost as long as I’ve been DJing. More of a hobby than a day-job though.
Most of the live stuff I do with Pascal doesn’t slot directly into the psy genre, it’s closer to downtempo, melodic, kraut-rock influenced trance/techno. 
I’ve also recently been playing synths and guitar with psychedelic/space-rock bands.
My thoughts on the subject of Rytm for psy:
Yes, Rytm does the kicks nicely, but I’d still like to have a bit more control over the curve of the downward sweeping pitch/res. Even using the LFO to further modulate the curve, I’m finding I’d like a bit more control. I get good results out of the Tempest if I also use EQ, but not with self-oscillating filter kicks since the controller isn’t really designed to make them consistent.
The other analogue kit pieces - especially hats, are something I think I’m going to have to use samples for, since getting a wide variety of different use-able sounds is not really possible with the analogue hats i.m.o.
I think what I’ll probably end up doing is - loading a varied set of samples and blending them with the analogue.
I’m starting to get reasonable psy results with a combination of Rytm, A4 and MonoMachine though. I’m managing to build up a track by un-muting parts on each device.
Although, I think I’m missing the cutting, hard digital, sync’d, cross-modulated sound of my Virus. I might either sample the Virus Ti on Octatrack or use the Octatrack’s sequencer to drive it.
Alternatively, I also have a Cirklon which I could use for sequencing duties.
Haven’t quite decided how that would fit though since If I use it to sequence notes, I miss out on P-locks. So, I could just use midi clock for the Elektron units and then use their on-board sequencers. …or I might use Cirklon to sequence everything and use note velocity to effectively achieve what I would have been doing with P-locks. I also ideally want to do everything live, so keeping core kit (which can be expanded depending on stage/booth limitations) to a minimum is an aim.
Too many options! 
…and I have a solo live chill-out set in October to prepare for, with a potential house-move in the middle, so need concentrate on that and get cracking!