Make the filter retrig with the "rtrg" parameter?

Hi there,

Is there a way to make the filter envelope retrig every time the sample retrigs when using the “rtrg” parameter?



my boxes are packed away at the moment so i can’t check the behaviour myself…but guessing you’re finding in Amp Setup, setting FX1 to RTRG retrigs the filter envelope only when the sample has been trigged by the sequencer ?


Nope that doesn’t do it :frowning:

thought that might be the case. i know it’s not ideal and imagine you’re looking for a way to avoid the hassle but can you get the effect you’re looking for by resampling with the filter and envelope engaged and then retriggering that sample ?

My advice is to use a custom LFO like a Filter EG and set it to trig mode whilst modulating the Filter Cut Off - where there’s a will there’s a way :wink:

My advice is to use a custom LFO like a Filter EG and set it to trig mode whilst modulating the Filter Cut Off - where there’s a will there’s a way ;)[/quote]
Great idea, and if the downward ramp/saw gives you what you need you don’t even need a custom one. Luckily both are tempo-synced so it would be easy to create 2 scenes with both set to the same rate and crossfade between them.
Also as long as you are only using the LPF/WIDTH and are using its full range (max cutoff to min cutoff) you can sort of use the LFO depth and filter’s WIDTH as envelope decay/length controls.

And if you don’t care about modulating length and are OK with it being a static retrigger, you can just set up to 8 retriggers in the microtuning screen by pressing the up arrow once it appears. Those are sequencer-level retriggers - they behave just like a normal trig including amp and filter envelopes and sample retriggering.

Mictotuning screen, never heard of that. What is that? Cannot find anything in the manual…

Oi, meant to write microTIMING, sorry about that.