I just bought an Octatrack and it seems that the main volume knob (the one on the top left) isn’t working. It does not change the volume at all.
Only the Level button is changing the volume (the one next to the six button A B C D E F.
Should i root the tracks to the main volume or something?
Function & Level control the main outputs.
Volume is headphone out.
This (controversial) design is to allow DJ style cueing in a live situation.
I’d grab a coffee & sit down with the manual mate, tbh if you’re getting stuck with stuff like this then I think you have a few headaches in front of you! OT is a deep machine!
Congrats on getting one tho, stick with it, it’ll be worth it!
To be fair, I think when you first see the knob entirely dedicated to “Volume”, you don’t reach for the manual to see what it does. You assume it will adjust the volume level.
You are going to spend a lot of time with the manual though. I recommend using the PDF if you can because there is a fair bit of jumping around and searching once you’ve done the first read through.
yep, its a pretty useless knob to must of us
surely be possible to change its function with an OS update
oh wait no, i was imagining it was an analog machine, my mistake
I actually like it but accept that I’m probably in the minority.
I set my main output structure with whatever I’m interfacing with then run a master channel on track 8, keeps it tidy, especially when running other Elektron boxes into the inputs.
Just discovered this after a long moment scratching my head. Why, why, why? I really don’t see the point in this decision - at least provide an option to override it. Madness.
New to OT MKii and elektronauts…gotta say, didn’t really see this problem coming. I sort of thought a dedicated master volume knob would be a no brainer.
To me, it makes a lot more sense for the dedicated volume knob to control bother master AND headphones, selectable via the function key. I prefer master knob first, with the headphones being accessed via the function key…some might like it the other way around, perhaps this could be customizable.
Oh well, can’t have it all…or can we??
*** looking at you version 1.5 o_o ***
Where do we submit feature requests? I’ve got a couple already
Never understood why they saw the need for quick and easy access to headphone volume…
To be fair, main volume is always accesible with Function + Level.
Headphone volume is also the only potentiometer on OT, so quickly and reliably adjusting a parameter in all conditions is reserved for hp volume.
Maybe it’s because many folks will use OT as their mixer/fx unit/loop player/sampler-looper-thingie what doesn’t need quick volume cuts, fade ins and fade outs?
I like using it in a performative way.
All the other knobs are encoders, but cue is a pot, great for stabbing external FX sends,
or if using metronome out of cue out to generate clock to modular or DFAM, you can tweak and freak the pot live to make those clock triggers less predictable.
So, as usual; this “limitation” breeds new creative pathways. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.