Macsens - berlin. Electro track with Analog Four and MD UW+

Hee there,

Just finished a new track with my analog four and MD. Elektron gear is amazing!!

And the-making-off-video … :slight_smile:

More to come!

Enjoy, Michiel.

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Stunning performance, watched the clip, as well. Imo, the closing part is a bit unusual but logical though.

Hee Rady! Tx! … yeah, not the usual ending, but it sounded nice :wink: ,

@macsens I thought I’ve seen you around this forum prior. I just wanted to let you know I’ve listened to this song and “on fire” on repeat before I got my first machinedrum. It’s beautiful stuff, man!

Edit: I didn’t think about your name until I linked a video of your combo to suggest he get a MDUW to compliment his A4

Hey Ryan, thanks for the compliment man!

'Been taking a break from creating new tracks for a while (the sun is out :slight_smile:), but your post surely inspired me to get at it again :thup:. Thanks!

Cheers! Michiel.

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