Machines von Pad #2 slot causing noise

Dear fellow AR users,

I received my unit yesterday and tested it for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, I realised that there is a faint noise coming from Pad #2 slot (SD2) each time after an analog sound is triggered. It sounds like a distorted noise/crackling sort of thing. It doesn’t mater which synth engine (all BD or SD types of machnines) is used on that particular slot. The noise is low frequency around 30-70 Hz and I can hear as well as see it in in an analyzer. Since none of the other pad slots seems to have that problem, I think there might be a technical problem.

It’s really quite a faint but it’s noticable -especially when using headphones- with the master volume being turned up at least half way or more. I did an OS update (to latest 1.01), kept the AR running for more than 2 hours and then did a calibration. But the noise is still there on pad #2. I am also an A4 user, so I tested it with the other machine’s power supply - noise is still there. By pressing the stop button twice, you can obviously eliminate all sounds coming from the AR by stopping its audio engine (sort of panic button like in DAWs). This works for me - the noise is temporarily but comes back again the next time pad 2 is triggerd. Btw: Synth calibration failed first time (filter 3 caused a problem).

So my question is: Is this normal? Does anybody else have that problem too? Is it maybe a wrong setting/distortion setting?

BTW: As an A4 owner, I have the impression that the general noise to signal ratio is better on the A4 that on AR. I also realised that the display of the AR is slightly brither that the A4’s.

EDIT: Sent the unit back to the retailer and received a new AR without the above mentioned problem. this one’s fine :wink: