MachineDrum with sampler redundant for Octatrack owner?


I’m currently working with my Octatrack and Analog 4, getting beats using sample chains on the Octatrack (techniques I learned about thanks to forum users SkeenaCloud and PeterHanes).

The Octatrack has many parameters to modify the sample chain. However, I’m pretty finicky about sound design so I’d really like to add a versatile hardware drum machine. The drum machines i have are fairly static (TR-505, Volca Beats, MPC 60) and I’m thinking about getting a Machinedrum for some more versatile sounds (also wanting the digital drum machine for the FM sounds).

Having the Octatrack, it seems like the Machinedrum + sampler would be redundant or might only make my sampling abilities a bit more extensible.

I’m wondering if there’s some synergy between the Machinedrum synth engine and sampler that I’m unaware of that would make the Machinedrum with sampler a must-have as opposed to the basic Machinedrum model?



if you got the dough and space go get a (used md non uw if you wanna keep GAS low) …

if I am on the OT and create some drum loops, I pretty much after 14 min run into, boy am I happy to have a MD here! …

just think of tweaking that highhead, ups hihat, there just a little bit, or a retrigger of the snare (not to mention CTL machine ) , doing that on a OT is “impossible” because you only have 8 tracks ( make that 4 tracks for dums and sound locks within those, and you get a 6 maybe 8 poliphony) but hardly the fuckery options from the md ( and this is where she shines ( next to room shaking low end with the proper EQ in place ))

tl dr

yes you do need a MD (go second hand until you made up your mind)

Beware of second hand units. Mine broke after 2 months in and Elektron refused to fix it because it’s registered

… to previous owner, whose contact I don’t have anymore. Sincere WTF moment

Thanks everyone so far. I appreciate the encouragement and example of why I need the Machinedrum. I’m definitely not going with something used as I’ve bought enough bum gear in my time. Just not worth the money saved.

Sounds like the sampler on the Machinedrum might not to add anything I don’t already have with the Octatrack. That’ll make it easier on the wallet.


MD converts your samples to 12-bit mono. If that’s your thing, go for it. I found the reduced bit rate didn’t gel with my 16-bit samples coming out of the OT.

I’m personally not into the whole lo-fi thing.

I have an OT and MD-UW+. I dont feel that the OT diminishes the sample feature of the UW at all.
The main reason being, the MD can go into some unique sonic territory that few other machines can do. The ability to bring your own samples into that territory and expand it is just magic.
Sure the OT can play anything that is fed into it but the sounds need to come from somewhere in the first place.
IMO an MD without the sample feature is only half the machine. With or without an OT by its side.

Thanks, Mezz. So you’re saying that bringing the samples into a mix with the drum synthesis on the MD is different than working with the samples separate from the drum synthesis on the Octatrack? I can imagine that would make sense.

yepp, if you have the OT, your sample needs are dealt with imo (bear in mind internal sampling is quicker, easier, less space however, muuuuch less storage space for samples )

Makes sense as well, TrabanT. Thank you.

Perhaps I should clarify for everyone - I run the Analog 4 and plan to run the Machinedrum through the external ins of my Octatrack. All three are MIDI synced. Whatever’s going on with the Machinedrum can have samples on my Octatrack added to the mix, fully synced.

The only disconnect I can conjecture would be LFO modulation of the Machinedrum not impacting samples on the Octatrack. My experience with my existing Elektron boxes is that the LFOs on one track don’t modulate parameters on other tracks, so that functionality might not exist if I had samples on one track and synthesis on another track of the Machinedrum anyway.

I haven’t found anything that suggests sampling on the Machinedrum natively will give me any functionality that I can’t get by running MIDI-synced Machinedrum audio into the Octatrack and working with samples in the mix on the Octatrack.

While I’m sure the sampling addition to the Machinedrum makes it a more powerful piece on its own, I’m not sure it will add any functionality to the setup I have described above.



Tom – a couple things that might help you here:

The MD actually does allow you to aim the LFOs of one track to a target parameter on any other track. Unlike other Elektrons, the MD does have this flexibility. (This is true of both UW and vanilla models.)

While you’re probably right that you won’t get unavailable functionality for the setup you plan to use, I have personally found the UW engine in the MD to be a useful feature even when paired with an OT. Sooner or later you may feel cramped by the 8 tracks on your OT, and it’s nice to be able to process and control your drum hits individually.

Also, not only does a UW give you dedicated tracks for your drum hits (or whatever else you want to load, including single-cycle waves, which can do a fair bit on the MD), but you have the RAM machines. Merely having them onboard for resampling of phrases as well as individual hits has been an inspiration for me for years.

Can you live without the UW engine? Sure. Is it worth getting? For this user, definitely.

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Great advice, dubathonic. Very helpful! Considering the LFO crossover (which I was not aware of) and your experience with the extra tracks for drum hits (which seems to make sense to me) I think the UW is the way to go.

Thanks for all of the input everyone.


Yes exactly. The synthesis on the machinedrum is significantly different and more comprehensive than the OT. It will take your samples to places the OT can’t. Don’t be put off by the 12bit engine. Something amazing happens inside the md once you start tweaking.
Ive had friend blown away by the “hi-def” sound.

The 2 boxes complement each other very well and use samples quite differently.
I love my OT but Ive never been stunned by it. The machinedrum has constantly amazed me.

Thanks, Mezz. I’m sold on the sampling function now. Having new ways to tweak sound is really important. Looking forward to getting started with my MD UW later this week!

Thanks again everyone for all the advice and information!


No problem.

If you haven’t had any experience with the md, just a couple of things to be aware of.

Right out of the box it sounds like turd. The presets patterns are terrible even worse in the UW model. Some kits are useful tho.

There is limited sample memory in each bank. Keep samples short if you want to have plenty to choose from in each bank. (there is about 48 sample slots per bank).

Altho very easy to use, things are not quite the same as your OT. Expect a few days to get your head around the differences.
(if you can use an OT then you can use an MD with your eyes closed) :wink:

All good points, Mezz and much appreciated. I picked up the MD on Friday and so far you’re spot on with all of your points!

I’ve added a lot of my favorite one-hits and the MD is starting to sound pretty good.

Also, if you like weird, electronic FM blips and bleeps the synthesis engine is really fun for that.

I think at the end of the day the most important thing about the MD is that it is a true drum machine and my Octatrack simply wan’t going to provide me with the number of tracks and features that the MD has. Very glad I’ve got the MD and very glad I went with the UW+

Thanks again,


Awesome Tom welcome to the club. :wink: You can see now how different it is from the OT.
If you havent tried the CntrlAl machine yet you are in for a treat.

Get a beat going, then select track 16 as the active track (can be any free track) edit the kit and stick a CntlAl machine on track 16 and start twisting knobs. Prepare to pick your jaw up off the ground!!!

Sry if you already know all this, I like telling people about the md.

of all the elektrons machines (I own all of them, eh eh) MD is the one I’d never ever EVER give away



Mezz, I had NOT heard of that! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try it out!
