Machinedrum to Rytm in 2020?

A sequencer that can do direct jump + microtime + condi trig + advance length + track scale + tempo per pattern is not a sequencer I can give up easily.


Yeah. I use direct jump a lot on the A4. Anyone know if the AR follows the A4 if they’re both set to direct jump and one is set to receive program change from the other?

ah I didn’t know the A4 has it too. cool :slight_smile:

Love the Rytm (mk2) and was a big MDUW user for many years.
Much prefer the Rytm for playing live, especially the fill button and performance knob, also prefer the bigger form factor.
One thing not mentioned much in such comparisons, is the Rytm song mode is severely limited when compared to the old MD (or MnM), I wish it had all the funky ways to loop and chop patterns the MD song mode had. Strange they would choose to drop all those fun features…


I will add slow lfo’s to that. Even at speed 1 they are too fast for the subtle modulation that I like.


If you really want to get into synthesis, get an A4.
Setting aside Rytm’s metallic machines (which MD does pretty well, frankly), A4 can produce a wider variety of synthesized drum sounds.

Sound locks make the 4 tracks work harder, plus you already have an MD to fill in some gaps.

With an A4 you’d be getting a great drum synth, and a great bass/lead/pad/atmosphere synth as well. A lot more versatile than Rytm from a synthesist’s point of view, and you won’t hit the ceiling like you did on MD.
I hit the ceiling on Rytm, and use Model Samples for the Rytm sounds I liked the most, kept my A4 because it’s a 10 tool utility knife when it comes to synthesis.


Perfect description of the procedure :ok_hand:
And yes, better to turn off the midi in transport if you dont want MD continu playing while no more notes are send by the external sequencer. That permit to introduce silents in the drum storm patterns of breakcore. Other solution : map a stop sequencer note, but for happy accident, better put no midi transport on MD.
For the slice it’s interesting to cut your original pattern into 2 or 4 trig slices. The two ways permit nice variations.
A plus if having a Squid to send midi :))) cause it’s a perfect sequencer to improvise variation with MD slicing trick.


Got the MD for 15 years and still finding things I haven t tried…


Oh absolutely. The A4 makes some tremendous percussion. My stripped back setup is just the A4 and a small modular rack. Most often I have a track of the A4 for drums or two if I want busier hats.

One combination I haven’t explored yet is pairing the A4 with a Digitone. I’ve used them both separately along with the modular but not together. I’ve liked some of the percussion sounds I’ve gotten from the DN but it’s not so performance-friendly as the analog instruments or even the MD.

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Have both if you can! I like to make weird sounds, and always assumed my MD was the right way to go, so I never looked into Rytm too hard. However, since picking up a cheap Rytm mk1 a few months back I learned how experimental/glitchy/weird/not boring it can sound, and is totally complimentary to the sound palette of the MD. Love them both!


Unsurprisingly, I’m going to hang on to the MD. Revisited some of my old projects and patterns and reminded myself what an amazing thing it is.

Current plan is to sell the DT and a few other pieces, and pick up a 2nd hand AR mkI while keeping an eye on whatever the “Get Ready…” thread is about. :slight_smile:


Very interesting thread!
Luckily I have found it,iam getting my AR soon, like in two days…
Saw one of You mentioning breakcoreXD
Can You please give me some tips on using MD and AR together to achieve some crazy breakage ?Stay safe!

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this is MD midi modulating some retrigged rytm breaks. not sure if breakcore or coreblimeycore.


I went from a Machinedrum as my main drum machine to a AR2 as my main drum machine. I still have the MD, but like the OP I wanted something “fresh” for new material.

They are different, but both are great IMO. I think the Rytm can cover more genres than the MD can, but I like the MD better if you’re doing more upbeat (dance) electronic music. I also think it sounds a bit better for aggressive electronic music.

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wicked stuff m8

I’m presently back and forth almost hourly as to which of these two boxes I want to add… for the time being at least, it can probably only be one of them. The workflow of the RYTM mk2 appeals more, but I already have an A4 mk2 and fear a good deal of cross-over… something that cant be said for the MD, unique thing that it is.

The advantage of pairing a RYTM mk2 with your A4 mk2 is that you’ll immediately be comfortable with the interface and workflow. The MD, great as it is, might feel like a step backwards in terms of interface and sequencing.

Of course, if you find a good deal on a MD, then go for it. :slight_smile:

I’m curious about you saying you not really inspired by using samples with the Digitakt…did you try looping single cycle waveforms? It is easy to convert the Digitakt into a super powerful mono synthesizer for bass lines or a really powerful drum synth.
In resume, having something similar to A4 and AR but digital…

Own both and they have their strengths and weaknesses. Rytm is more limited in terms of sound design, but has a better workflow and sequencer. The MD has got a better song mode and way more control over the inputs.

I tend to use MD more for percussion and Rytm as a bread and butter beat machine.

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Yeah, that was one of the things I enjoyed most with the DT. Great for simple bass and short stabby leads. Unfortunately I have a lot of other instruments that can do that with more control and expressiveness. It’s largely what I use the A4 for, along with the modular.

I think the DT was trying to plug a gap in my setup that didn’t really exist. Bought largely because I was enjoying the DN so much (and they look great alongside each other).

I’ve just picked up an AR mk1 for a good price so we’ll see how that works alongside the MD. Expecting to keep both to be honest. :slight_smile: