Thank you but is the full revision history for the ‘X’s available anywhere? As I’ve had mine in storage for a year so want to refresh
Actually, the complete change log can be found through the opening post of this thread (in the X.07 zip read me file).
Thank you
What am I doing wrong here? I can’t seem to play my CP channel unless in the mapping channel?
The first four tracks play fine, but not the next 4 so imagine it’s something I’m misunderstanding regarding how incoming MIDI is set up?
EDIT: Saw that I was still on x05 - and seen this bug was fixed since - so if anyone has the same update and all will be well
Thanks for all the great work on these unofficial firmwares. One feature I would love to see would be the ability to have swing when using the machinedrum with MCL.
Machinedrum X.08 released:
List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.07 to X.08
** Bug Fixes **
- Machinedrum would freeze when receiving a long stream of MIDI CC data.
Thank for the ongoing support !
i have this issue too
The issue is fixed in X.08
Fantastic thank you !
Thank you so much Justin
Dope! I also second swing per track would be killer. Thanks for keeping this going!
I will try to update the MD to X.08 but I’m on a OS version that doesn’t allow me to use / download the C6. So I went with Sysex Librarian, any of you can send me the best parameter to make the transfer smooth ? Or there is not specifications needed ?
Thx a lot
Not sure if it helps but I have just upgraded my MachineDrum MKII using the Elektron Transfer app on a Mac running Ventura and it worked a treat.
You need to select “go to the SYSEX TRANSFER page”
Just follow the instructions on the page. It’s not quick so maybe the Transfer app already has the settings for a correct upgrade.
you’re the boss guys
thank you so much
Also went OK on Mac Ventura with the latest SysEx Librarian (Version 1.5.1) through the midi out of the Motu M2.
Transmit Speed : 100%
Transmit buffer size : “Default”
Thanks, did it very easily !
SWeEt Thanks man!!!