Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.05: the living documentation

4 posts were split to a new topic: Learning code + music

Does it mean it brings RAM machines to MKIs ?

Nobody ?

There was a bug way back on an early X version that affected the machine list in kit menu due to the addition of new NFX machines. So ram machines weren’t visible on mk1UWs. Fixed ages ago.

So no. It doesn’t bring UW features to standard mk1s.


Thanks to confirm ! One can dream, with some firmware magic. I guess UWs use a specific hardware.

I bought an MD MKI 400€ yesterday. :wink:


Some tips about these?
Seems like I had inconsistent behavior…

i think of TD as kind of portamento time for the changes made to the TIM (0=instant 127=slow)

I think of TI as a kind of spring that changes the time/amount it takes to back and forth stabilise the TIM after it moves (0 = instant 127 = extreme)

The NFX-UC is a nuts machine and it’s only with several LFOs and/or slides etc that it’s potential becomes unlocked.

If your TIM params aren’t being modulated you won’t hear the TD and TI do much.


There’s a pseudo hidden synth available using the GND-IM machine as an audio source for the UC, and triggering it from the UC using TIM as pitch, TD can then be used like a portamento. put the UC in tonal mode for quarter tone TIM pitch tracking.

You can use all kinds of machines as sources for different results but the IM is a nice stable way of pinging it.

alongside extreme flanging and phasing (that i’m guilty of) i’d like to see more use of it as a subtle chorus or stereo imaging device in combo with the source machines audio.


That’s what I noticed, the lfo was on time parameter. Need to check that.

Thanks for tips. I’m used to OT comb filters, and to use 2 of them with opposite feedback.
Great MD feature addition.

OT noise + comb :


Hello I think I found a bug
When I save kit with ctrl machine rev, gb or eq and reload the track becomes blank but level sidebar still shows as it got ctrl machine loaded

this little beauty (new step LFO shape introduced in X) has a powerful secret i really haven’t exploited enough until recently.
Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 10.08.34

It’s well known the MD produces artefacts when modulating the VOL and PAN params at high speeds. Using the LFOs on VOL to introduce an attack or volume cut can result in undesired noise.

The NFX-EV is a great addition to the MDs sound sculpting potential.
Turning those long percussive sounds into short stabs etc and allowing control over the attack and much more.

However, the step LFO is a sweet fast track for shortening sounds (and saves a track if you don’t need DEL ATT RMOD etc) when assigned to a machines DEC.
LFO TRIG setting, LFOD at 127, LFOM at 127, the LFOS speed set will cleanly close the DEC to 0.
Effectively creating a pseudo HOLD envelope stage for very short staccato or long held notes (if the DEC is at 127 for example).
Edit:(Just thought you could set the depth to something less than 127 to allow a little release stage! Must try this)

You can lock the LFO speed for variety and cover any 0 crossing clicks.

There’s lots more to explore with combining the new LFOs as envelope stages for certain params.


I love x.04 still haven’t juiced all the goodness out of it but tempted to update and continue the juicing

Thank you for that tip,
Excellent to plock across both of those lfos.

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I was testing out the empty magic software with the x09 today
And seems to be working well and brings in some interesting results with tonal

Plus using feed back midi with an md midi channel plus md modwhell assigned to various parameters

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Hope this is the right place to post this, first post.
I have a MD mkii running X.05 and I just made a kit that is consistently glitching out.
the idea was a supersaw kit, 15 tracks with a saw wave and 1 noise.
I hit a few too many notes and the whole sound starts to degrade
I am curious if this happens on other machines/firmwares
Just tried uploaded the sysex of the kit here, but since i’m a new user I can’t.
If anyone is interested in trying it out let me know and i’ll send it.

Quoting myself from another thread. In short, nothing to worry about. Should be fine if you just dial back the decay (and possibly delay) on the saw tracks a little bit.


Appreciate the reply :slight_smile:

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Now Rytm owners have the cool feature to see the note values on their trig menu. I’m wondering if that could be implemented on machinedrum. I’m notice in midi machine you could see the note values, so I guess the layout for that exist in the machine.

I know mostly users on MD haven’t got problems with this. But I come from elektron machines modern era (digis) and I always feels a bit frustrated with this lack. I haven’t got a super nice ear like some of you to program those awesome melodies without a visual reference.

I’m an aware from the firmware programing, but just wonder if it could be easy considering you’ve implemented yet the tonal feature.

What do you think @v-yadli @waftlord @atimchak ?

Anyway, thanks for this incredible firmware :slight_smile:

i’m in no position to comment on possible future changes by [redacted] for the X firmware.

however i will share my own opinion, and that is that all facets of the official 1.63 firmware should be maintained and protected. X should only expand upon and not replace/change anything from the original design mission.

whilst i agree it would be nice to have a visual reference to note values, its not crucial. and my ears aren’t super nice, they just like what they like, and that’s usually atonal anyway :slight_smile: