Machinedrum SPS-1UW+ Trigger 4 and 10 Issue

Hey all, have’t had any kind of luck searching for this and I’m hoping it’s not some sort of internal issue, but here it goes. So essentially I’m not getting trigger 4 and 10 to play any sounds. When previewing machines I can press trigger 4 and hear sounds and the LED acts normal, but then when I commit to that machine and lay a trig/play the trig I’m not getting any sound and the LED isn’t reacting. Anyone have this happen/know what’s going on? Any advice would be sweet. I had the RYTM for a while and never had this issue, and now with the Machinedrum I’m just not sure what’s goin on. Thanks community!

After some further investigation I’ve discovered some more about the weird issue. I only have two snapshots saved so far. I was having the issue with the second snapshot, but I loaded the first snapshot and the problem doesn’t exist there. So it must be some sort of option or some shit… still searching

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Are you only using the stereo outputs?
My first guess is that you have 4 and 10 routed to another physical output. (Global - Routing - Output) , like C, D, E, or F.
Especially if the behavior is different across snapshots.

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Hm looks to be that they are all routed to MAIN

Wait a minute, yep that was it! Weird must have been changed accidentally somehow. Thanks Adam!