Machinedrum ONLY Videos

the sherman filterbank is a gift from god


Well since someone resurrected this thread. I’ll do some shameless zombie thread posting with md only vids.


wow I need to stay out of this thread, it’s making me want a Machinedrum again :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing videos!

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Nice! Are those your own vids?

yes that’s my channel :slight_smile:


Really great stuff! I’ll be watching more for sure. Inspires me to make some techno again. (I dont have a machinedrum though, just a lowly TR8-S)

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first video is mental - great stuff.
how are you doing the cool grain/granular slow down stuff - pattern switch and slow different tempo?
really digging the last slow burner.
Thank you

So you’re half there. I have a ram record machine that picks up the last bar of the 4 bar pattern each time through. When I cue up one of the “drop time” patterns I only have two or 3 trigs on a ram playback machine. I set the retrig to rather fast rate and infinite hold. PLock the sample start then, copy the trig and paste it on the last step of the pattern locking the Start Time to somewhere in the first 25-50%. and volume at 0 to shut down the retriggering
Apply a slide trig on the first step and your start point will move through the sample at a rate slower than the original pattern and you get very rudimentary 90s time stretch :slight_smile:

Same methodology works on Octatrack and Digitakt. It’s a little different on the DT since there’s no retrig in the audio domain but you have sample length the same as OT so setting the sample to loop and length to 0.03 or something gives you a grain. sweep the start position with a one shot LFO and you’re there.


Yo, some of my earlier experiments with MD UW :skull:
No samples, used sinus to tune each step for specific pitch:

Here some ambient with sampling:


It’s been a long-time plan to build a machinedrum-only live set… Here’s the beginning of such a thing, machinedrum synthesis + resampling live stream on twitch.

Also on YouTube now:


you need a MegaCommand in your life

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going in on some soft and pretty sounds with a friends



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This one isn’t too complex or anything but it’s smooth as hell, This is actually the video that pushed me to get an MDUW around 2012:

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Jesus H Christ…

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good lord man

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this track seem to be evoking theological reactions…


Its absolutely the best MD video i’ve ever seen. Done with a mark 1 as well :open_mouth:

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