So I’ve got my Arturia Minibrute hooked up to receive MIDI notes from the Machinedrum, in order to sequence patterns.
However, for some reason, the second note of every pattern is skipped. It’ll never skip again; just after the first time I hit play.
I have absolutely no idea why this is, as all my settings are correct; it plays every sequenced note seamlessly, EXCEPT for the second note, no matter what the sequence!
Really, really frustrating! Any ideas?
The MD is probably sending out some kind of CC. And probably on midi ch 1. Either choose control base channel 2-5 in global menu or use midi ch 2 and up for your external gear - fixed it for me…
I’ll give it a try.
Somehow, though, hooking up MD Out to my Analog Four In, then going Analog Four Thru to my Minibrute In, seems to fix the problem. Which is a perfect setup.
Okay, I was wrong. It still happens.
Tried changing Control Base to 2-5, Minibrite is on Ch 16. Still happens.
It’s so, so, so, so, incredibly frustrating because there is absolutely no logical reason why it misses the 2nd note and no other notes AT ALL after that.
Can you replicate it? If not, could it be your external gear that is somehow set up strange? Have you tried same pattern with other gear?