having some problems triggering samples with the machinedrum from an akai mpx8. I have the base channel on the MD turned off, and a midi machine for channel 10 that sends note on messages to the mpx 8, in song mode when patterns change the mpx8 stutters and stops play back, always at the start of a new pattern and in pattern mode when i try to trigger two samples it does the same thing.
i have been using two midi machines on channel 10 because you can not use parameter locks to select the N2, N3 within the midi machine. I usually just mute one midi machine and then un mute the other to trigger the second sample and the first together via the N2 (weird work around).
I guess my question is are there other midi messages being sent by the MD to its midi out that are overloading the midi in to the akai mpx8? Does it send midi info at the beginning of a pattern or a running status?
The mpx8 is a very simple machine and it only responds to note on messages. So i think that might be the issue im having? Im on the akai forum as well, and many other people are having issues as well.
In regards to other messages the md sends, it CONSTANTLY sends midi clock, if you have that turned on. This has caused problems for me before by having the midi connected and powering another device on, while the MD was spitting midi clock out at it.
Having said all that - I wouldn’t hold out much hope for the new akai having decent midi spec - they’ve been cutting a lot of corners lately and I imagine midi is not something they put much effort into on that machine.
Good luck.