I’m attempting to set up my mahinedrum as an output into Abelton. I’ve read all the forums and have followed directions of setting MDs global outputs, setting abelton to ‘ext’, but, I’m having no luck. I’m not trying to connect MIDI, just the sequencer to record multiple tracks. When I select microphone as an in, I of course pick up every tiny sound in my work space.
I’m running MDs mainouts into my mac input. Could anyone walk me through this? I know it’s possible, but I’ve been beating my head up all night trying to figure this out.
What kind of sound card do you have? Have you configured the sound card’s ins in Ableton? If not, check your audio preferences in Live and make sure you have your sound card selected as incoming sound source.
Then you need to configure an audio track to receive the audio from the MD. I don’t have Live in front of me now, but you basically need to choose what channel to pick up from your sound card somewhere around the arm/record button on an audio track.
Thanks for you response Daisuk. I’m running the soundcard that is on my MacBook Pro. I’m pretty sure it’s set correctly too. Currently it’s set to:
“Audio Line-in port.” I know I can go through “Built in Mic-port” but, I pic up every sound like I’m doing a live Audio recording. That is what I expected when I recorded in Garageband, however. I was thinking it would be a bit more technically advanced for Abelton.
Within Ableton I have the:
“ext In”
“stereo 1/2”
“record armed” Track 1
Do I need to route my Machinedrum through another source before plugging into my computer? Again, I’m not trying MIDI, nor do I want to do a "mircrophone in recording.
my ableton has audio and midi tracks, use an audio track to record audio!
arm it!
choose correct input … line in 1 or line in 2 also
you may have to tell ableton which input is stereo on mono
this part may be covered if you are on small screen, use mouse to increase the partitions in ableton (took me half a year to figure that out!)
audio from
ext in
choose ext in and find the configure button… trial and error from there for me till I had it right
channel configuration
input config (just turn everything on)
if you hit a note on the MD (or your external gear) and ableton receives something (pure audio, no midi in this case) the indicator bar (meter) will flash up (pump)
Monitor IN button should be RED
if you are comming from midi you may need an “external” instrument midi instrument from the plug in section
lastly again, the meter may receive signal but you wont hear anything , if the signal gets through you are almost there!