Mac Mini + Octatrack or Macbook Pro

You don’t even own any Elektron anymore?

Correct but when I did, Electron was the best I had and I’ve had a lot. I love Elektron. I just got sick of having a bunch of different boxes and orchestrating all that with the cable mess all to have to polish it up in a daw anyways. ITB Just makes it easier and more streamlined to start and finish the entire process in the daw. Also; IMO software sounds better now than a lot of hardware. Yeah I said that.

Well, I reckon software is unrecognisable from hardware in quality. I think the artist Shed is a good example. He works entirely itb. His tunes are so crispy and well mixed.

8gb 2020 MacBook Air, reporting in. Medium to heavy audio rendering and light video work, all buttery.

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Mac Mini + OT for sure.
The new Macs are v powerful and can handle music production with ease.