Loop entire sample in slice mode - possible?

Hey all - When in Slice Mode with Loop engaged, let’s say you slice your 1 bar sample into 16 slices, then plock step 1 to slice 16, and put nothing else on the sequencer. Slice 16 plays through, reaches the end of the sample, then loops the slice 16 over and over. What I am wondering is, is there a way to still be in Slice Mode, but where you can get the OT to play slice 16 once, then have the playback head jump to the beginning of the sample (not the slice), and loop the whole sample instead of just the slice? My guess is that this just isn’t possible while in slice mode…

In the playback menu you can set it up to play slices and tell it how many slices in a row to play consecutively, but I think the only way to do what you want is to open a new part on a different pattern I’d be cool if I’m wrong tho


Yeah, just turn length to slic in the flex setup and you can control how many slices are played, observe the amp settings too…

I’m not sure if it will loop back to the beginning (slice1) or back to the start of slice 16…
You might need to do some conditional/microtime trickery… IE, slice 16 with 1rst condition, second trig for slice1 microtimed left with the not pre condition…

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Yep just tried it loops depending on the LEN slice number.
Maybe it’s possible with Start points, Slice off.

What is the pattern length?
What if you plock a Slice 1 with LEN = 16 slices on step 17 ?

Another workaround if you want to use LEN=TIME rather than LEN=SLICE : load you sample in 2 different slots. One with slices, the other without.
Plock your 2 samples slots as you wish.


I got a workaround for this. Haven’t used in while - will see if I can find…

Here. Might help:

So, it’s not alive mode - but you can do a lot of slice things outside slice mode

Also just noticed this is an old thread!