Loom - Multidimensional MPE Ribbon from Aodyo


More demos.
Notice the various modes, tagged in blue near top.

With the Waldorf Iridium Core :

With the AKAI MPC ONE :

I think the ability to quickly switch between various modes in performance will be one of this controllers strengths.

ADDED : Three ways to switch between modes.

I know a few other controllers can do it, but polyphonic ribbon control is an interesting way to control a synth.


Interesting talk on SonicTalk on the Loom with Nick, Gaz, Steve Hillier, and Richard Nicol. Discussion both on the Loom and the concept and process of alternate controllers.

I want to point out, toward the end they talk about how good it would be to have this attached together with a traditional regular keyboard, missing entirely that this is where this controller came from with the Omega, and where this combination, and all the rest of this collection of controls, will be available.

Good discussion, and creative ideas from these four. Sounds like a few might back it, and they panicked thinking it had sold out.

The title on this SonicTalk episode “Non-Transferable Skills”, actually comes from the idea of learning the new skills on the various bespoke interfaces.

The Kickstarter is down to the last few hours, but i will point out, the high likelihood, that this will immediately flip over to IndiegogoAodyo has done that regularly in the past.


Goin, goin, gone…

Right on schedule. Kickstarter is closed but indiegogo is live:


Yep, second chance for anybody who missed the initial kickstarter campaign.


I see you’re back at SFF ! ( post )

Looking forward to hearing what’s up. Some detail with the Arp function is still to be revealed.

We won’t be at the Synthfest and Superbooth but focussed on Loom and Omega for the next months.


Someone should let Synthfest France know this, because they in the last day or so added your name and link to their exhibitors list. ( right after Yusynth )

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I already told them … but they are probably too busy with the Synthfest now, which is quite easy to understand.


Backers no doubt know this already.

Aodyo is making a hardware improvement with the Action Zone on the Loom.

They are widening the Action Zone area slightly, which allows the sensing of X-axis motion, in addition to the already specified pressure sensing Z dimension.

This will result in a redesign of the appearance on the left side, in particular changing the logo. This change will be shown in June.

This will fit when using the Loom like an Ondes Martenot, but also should improve playing combinations with the other ribbon modes as well.

They also report being on schedule, and moving ahead with development.

In the KS Update they also included a new demo video :