Looking for a budget Fieldrecorder

Curious does it also record to w4m.(I think?) like the iPhone. Because that is a pain in the butt.

I have setup my Raspberry Pi for this …with ‘the button’ from the Pisound DAC. It’s running with jack 2. Love this solution. It’s also possible to save the previous 10 seconds (timemachine).

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Records wavs

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And is the size ok ordoes it look ridiculously noticeable when you take it outside?

Check the site. Its super small. Like less than half the size of my phone.

I’ve had it for over 4 years. Carry it daily. Still going strong.

I did. But you have it in real life so I asked you. Pictures can be deceiving. Thanks for the info.

Could someone possibly tell me if the tascam dr 05 v2 has more than one model available to buy?, I am looking to pick one up but unfortunately its description is headed in three different ways on the amazon link with three seperate prices, leading to my concern that the cheapest deal (described as dictaphone rather than audio recorder) is a lesser package.