Lofi & Glitch Shifted Acid

So I got me a new toy and this my first test run with it, I absolutely love this instrument! The setup is my Octatrack, Eurorack (Makenoise system expanded) Little Deformer (My new toy)

This is just a jam like all of them, hope you enjoy,much more fun to come out this Little Deformer!

Thanks for Listening :slight_smile:

How do you like the Little Deformer so far? I’m kinda interested in those, but since I already have an Octatrack, I wonder what new it would bring on the table.

Well honestly I have only had a couple hours with it so far, but I can say it is totally a different beast. Definitely can be used just as an efx processor for external audio ( the Efx are way different than the OT) 4 notes sample player, or 4 voice synthesizer via its osc’s (or any combination of those). And the Modulation combinations are going to be unreal, any parameter can be modulated! You should read the manual and for extra GAS read the Little Deformer thread over at Muffwiggler. I havent even scratched the surface yet, this will be one of those instruments I dont sale, just like the Octatrack. I see myself using these two together for some crazy good times.

Oh and what would it bring new that the Octatrack cant do? Granular Synthesis is the first thing that pops in to my mind :slight_smile:

Nice one!

Thanks for listening Encym :slight_smile:

Cool jam - I like the distortion/crunchiness.

I’ve always been intrigued by the Deformer but there don’t seem to be a lot of good demos on YouTube. Looking forward to hearing more tracks of yours!

Thanks Jamrod…the lack of demos is actually something the sold me on getting it :slight_smile: