Lock-up when transferring to OT in disk mode

Anyone else seeing this?

I’m trying to transfer a batch of loops, but the disk transfer always seems to lock-up.

Individual file transfers is OK, it’s batch transfers which fail.

I’ve tried 2 different PCs and a Mac. Same result.

Could it be related to the Flash card I’m using?

Are some known to be better/worse than others?

Just a thought. Are you hot- plugging the usb cable into the OT ?

Nope. Not hot-plugging.

I suspect the flash card. I might see if I can find the card which came with the OT and test that. I immediately went out and bought a new larger card when I got the OT, so not totally sure where the original one is. :confused:

yeah, best try another card to rule it out…good luck.

It’s the card. :confused:

The supplied one is a 4GB Kingston Elite Pro 133X.

The one I bought is a 32GB Kingston Ultimate 266X.

Speed difference maybe!?

The 32GB card works OK in a card reader.

Surely must be a bug in the Octatrack?

I’ve opened a support ticket.

the OT seems very fussy about it’s cards.

namaste in this thread had the same issue as you with that card.


I’m using an ultimate 600x 16G. Works fine although in one of my many batch transfers I had one sample with an error come up. Hasn’t happened again.

i think there’s a list somewhere on the board, either here or elektron users, of proven compatible cards.

You’re right. It’s been reported before by someone else.

I think it works OK when reading / writing the card from the OT itself, it’s purely the disk transfer mode I’m having problems with.

Not ideal, but I can use my card reader to transfer files.

Shouldn’t be, new OT’s come with a Kingston 16GB 266x card. Also the slot should auto limit the speed if you end up using a card that supports faster rates than what is physically supported by the OT.

Shouldn’t be, new OT’s come with a Kingston 16GB 266x card. Also the slot should auto limit the speed if you end up using a card that supports faster rates than what is physically supported by the OT.[/quote]
Hmmm. Maybe it’s related to the size then?

Elektron do say that they support cards up to 64GB on their FAQ.

We’ll see if I get a response from the support ticket I generated.

If you can read it from an external card reader then maybe you should back it up and try formatting the card. Did you do any format to it when it was new or did you just start using it? If I remember correctly the OT has a built in format utility, maybe try using that one rather than from your computers OS.

I tried re-formatting on the OT itself and my Windows machine.

No difference.

I have a Sandisk 16g, and my batch transfers often fail. I have never had a problem in operation. I couldn’t be bothered to deal with Fry’s Electronic to attempt a return, so I just copy a few dozen files at a time, since the rest works.
