Maybe someone can properly explain this. I am having a hard time grasping some concepts.
I was able to successfully load about 300 samples into the machine drum at 16 bit 44.1. Mono.
The first dialog in the global menu is slot. I picked 1 but what is the difference between the 8?
After I loaded all 300 samples which equal 48 MB I am 97% Full! Why is this? I thought MD can load 6000 samples at 12MB,Mono 44.1
Ands last but not least When I go into samples manager I can only see the first 48 samples. Is there no way to import more at a time or see all of the samples imported or am I missing something.
As a FYI. Some users were saying there sample import stopped naming. You have to check send SPS-UW name and it will name samples with first 2 and last two letters of your sample name.
Have a look at the manual and check out the section on the plus drive.
The MD has 128 samplebanks that each hold up to 48 samples totalling 2.5 Megs at most. You can only use one samplebank at a time and cannot load more than one of them with samples with a single command – you’ll have to fill each bank individually.
“Sample banks can be dynamically switched within a Snapshot.”
I am still trying to think of a way of organizing this. If I have 48 Kicks will I be able to pick one out of the sample bank add it to a snapshot. Then move onto the snare sample bank pick a good snare add it to the previous snapshot etc…
Or create Kits this way.
Goal is to have a pool of samples over 1000 and mix and match to make kits.
(I am still trying to think of a way of organizing this. If I have 48 Kicks will I be able to pick one out of the sample bank add it to a snapshot. Then move onto the snare sample bank pick a good snare add it to the previous snapshot etc…)
Think you need to made your individual banks of 48 samples (like Kick, Clap, OH, CHH, RS/CB etc…) This SampleBank is not related to a snapshot and preferably put at the end of the +Drive.
Then you use a Snapshot + Samplebank (Preferably name it both with the same name as it recommend) to build your kick and patterns.
Then you can copy/paste the sound to build your Drumkit. Load the snapshot, listen the drums, copy/past, reload your snapshot + sample bank and paste it… etc…
Best to take one or two days to listen your favorites stuff, organise, maybe renaming like BDAA, BDAB, BDAC… to use the option the made a 4 name long… Don’t use aiff instead of aif (i have problem with that on mac but dont remember the one don’t working), or maybe take wav directly.
And be patient, use midi X10 but it take time believe me organise the things before and keep a copy (zipped) on another drive in case of you need to reuploaded or something
I originally thought this would be a good way too, but on the MD, it is not a good way to organise samples.
Copying / pasting between sample banks / snapshopts takes too much time, and you cant preview it within the kit.
Your best bet is to load in a few very different kicks / snares to the same spots in different sample banks (kicks in slots 1-4, snares 5-8, hats 9-12, etc.), then use the MD’s own synthesis methods to further shape them.
At first it seems like a workaround, but it is a really powerful machine, you just have to use it at what it’s good at.