Loading new sound & OS update


i’m new to the forum and just got my A4 yesterday.

So i loaded up the NEW OS. How can you check whether it loaded properly? Is there a way to see what the current OS is?

Also, I downloaded all the new sounds off the elektron website and loaded them into my A4. However, once I loaded the Richard Devine Collection i noticed none of my other sounds were there anymore?

Did I use up all my memory? The A4 automatically just erases any other sounds? Is there a location to check memory left in the system.

thank you for your help! it would be much appreciated.

Hi & welcome!

the OS version can be seen when you turn on the power, but it’s only there for a fraction of a second, in the lower right corner of the screen…

Unfortunately the Analog Four can store only 128 sounds…

thank you very much!

Another quick question…

can you delete sounds directly from the A4.

I’m having trouble organizing all my sounds together.

is this thread dead?

i am getting very confused about the sound packs where they are stored, the pool the drive and how to organize the whole lot, ie giving tags to sound packs and such…

a link in this forum regarding the topic is much appreciated!

u should probably store all your sounds in the +drive and cherry pick the ones you want to go into the pool periodically

you can load packs or single sounds in any of the 16 banks in the +D, you use the sysex rcv option in global menu (advised u on this in another thread i think) to direct them where u want Starting from Bank C unless u wipe the Elektron banks A,B

you assign tags at the time you save (or save over) a sound, i’ve never tried any of the sound management tools and noticed that you can do tags on multiples, but you can move multiple sounds around teh +D by marking them with ticks if u want to select a few

may be time to re-read the manual ! ? and experiment first on a new blank project if you are nervous

hi avantronica, and everybody elso who is reading this or commenting.

findig the sysex rcv is not as hard as it sounds, but honestly I would have never looked for that sort of menu … even sysex dump and installing sound packs is the same thing but sounds a lot different…

and yes you did advice me on that topic in another thread, which was very helpful !

when I was in sysex rcv menue and chose a bank as a destination my A4 didnt receive sounds, it ONLY woked to store them into the pool …

in the pool I could tick the sounds and give them individual tags…

“directing” samples to Bank C and Not A or B because you would wipe them is even more a super helpful and very appreciated information :slight_smile:

re-reading the manual certainly is a good idea! english not being my first language makes this a bit hard … also the shitty written manual, and the almost non existing help from the Elektron homepage just leaves me baffled, why a sophisticated company leaves you like microsoft with missing printer drivers…

the other thing i find stupid is, that the users manual hasn’t been completely rewritten (to my knowledge) so would reading the old manual
give me obsolete information for the new OS ?

now it is … save sysex files to pool, tag it, copy it to +drive (empty ones) then deleting the pool …

sounds much easier said than done since my C6 likes to crash on me