LiveTrak digital mixer & recorders (L-8, L-12, L-20) from Zoom

seems like i’ll go for L-8, because it is smaller.
for me, live mixer capabilities are critical, but portable tascams are just recorders.

Does anyone knows about these mixer’s latency on Windows ? I’ve been contemplating one, but I read somewhere the driver weren’t great.

Interested to hear how you get on with it. If I didn’t already have a mixer, I’d be all over the L8.

It could do with more stereo-ins too, I guess.

Saving scene can be a big deal for Live Performance…
Between Saving Scene / Weight, and of course audio quality it’s really difficult to make a choice.

I wonder… can you use the ABCDEF phones out as send fx to pedals?

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I just got myself a Livetrak L-12 last week. So far it’s been pure love at first sight. I also bought the RKL-12 rack mount kit and have it installed in my rack.

There’s been a couple of weird glitches with the audio interface side (The computer does not always recognize the Livetrak without a reboot. Once the sound coming from the USB-in had this weird digital distortion and when I turned the Zoom off and back on, the computer once again lost the interface and had to be rebooted to find it again.) I googled but couldn’t find anything regarding that type of behaviour.

Otherwise it’s a beautiful piece of kit. I was able to sell one mixer, one audio interface and one headphone amp after getting this one, so it basically paid for itself.

My main outs go to my studio monitors and I’m thinking of rigging one of the headphone outs or the monitor out to the inputs of my MPC live, so I could pick what to sample by the monitor mix. I see no reason why they wouldn’t work as fx sends too. It helps to have an insert cable (one 6,3mm TRS into a pair of 6,3mm TS:s.) around. The amount of inputs is quite limited to waste on fx returns but that’s the way it goes. I’m thinking of getting a patchbay to minimize the cord swapping.


hi !

does L12 record channels PRE-EQ / fader volume or POST-EQ ?
i mean if i add EQ to the channel, will recorded via USB stream contain my equalization or not ?

what are you biggest regrets about this mixer ?

If you use the audio return on eg channel 11/12 can you still use it as stereo in on the same channels at the same time? Or is it an either or thing?

Did you try the live track as audio interface for the mpc? does it work when recording to the mpc? I.e no crackling etc.

Nope. I haven’t tried it. I think I read somewhere that the Livetrak is not compatible with the MPC and didn’t bother to even try it. I kinda prefer my setup now where I can easily patch any soundsource into the MPC Live inputs through my patchbay.

Would you mind trying that out? I am intrested in that feature specifically, in the mpc forums they confirmed it working, but there was only one feedback and i want to make sure before i invest. What do you think of the headphone levels? i have 80 Ohm , is thaz ok? (dt1990)

Does MPC Live can power the Zoom L8?

The L8 has battery if i am not mistaken, the l12 doswnt have that, bur it seems a master EQ is on the L12, some differences are there.

Yeah but does it work on battery when you use the USB, i got to try one day… but i don’t need the extra output on MPC live…

I’m considering using an L-8 with the headphones outputs as aux sends. However, the signal quality seems a bit low, no? For those of you that have tried it, what’s your experience?

Anyone using the L-8 as an audio interface have any advice about monitoring? I’m a dum dum and don’t have a ton experience with a DAW.

I want to play guitar/bass on channel 1/2 but only hear the main outs from the DAW on the USB channels 7/8. Not sure this possible though. Using Ableton lite on a Mac for reference.