Live techno w A4, Rytm, Tempest, tanzbar

here is a live Recording using Mostly Analog Gear. I have recently Changed out some gear for Analog rytm and I am very pleased with it.I am using two sets of gear, one Drum machine and one Synth in each set, mixed much like a DJ would. The Concept was to make lots of loops ideas and preform it live Ad-lib. This Way I have more Control over mood with giving more unpredicted results, Like the Un predicted magic moments when Listening to a DJ. Last, every thing is recorded to individual tracks so i can edit to tracks at a later date.
gear/set up:
combo 1
DSI tempest- synths,acid, bass, toms, hats percs, noise
MFB Tanzbar- kick, hats, some snares, clap, some tom, some perc
moog moogerfoger clusterflux- FX for some synths and perc of tempest.
combo 2
Elektron Analog 4- synths, Acid, noise, some perc
Elektron Rytm - Drums, kicks, bass line, hats, perch, samples and odd sounds.

everything was recorded mutitracked to two fireface 800 with ableton live. used ableton live for some Fx like reverb and some delays. Also set up ableton to sum each combo/track with a midi controller to dj the two sides together.

cool set! just flicked through, but nice coherent sounds and vibe throughout :slight_smile:
Will listen moreā€¦ Any download link?

Thanks Molotov. the sound cloud is now downloadable