Live recording microtiming

Hey guys!
I haven’t had this issue yet but it just seems that in the project I’m working on at the moment, everything I record in Live mode is just heavily quantized and doesn’t match at all what I played. It doesn’t sound like something the sequencer couldn’t translate in micro timing.

Live quantization is turned off in the global sequencer settings and also in the notes setup (quantize = 0 ; Trk = 0)

I currently have a setup with Overbridge but I don’t think it is the issue since I tried to set the machine sequencer sync to various settings (off, tempo, clock, song pos.) with no success.

Am I missing something ? The pattern I’m trying to play doesn’t sound like something too precise for a sequencer to replicate.
I’m trying to correct with micro timing shift but I’m having a hard time with it. It’s a struggle for me to set notes between those displayed on the hardware sequencer.

Is there any comparative picture existing between the grid of a software sequencer and Elektron’s one ?
I’d appreciated that! :slight_smile:

Hmmm. It’s supposed to work. Can you post a video of your settings and recording example?

When you record, do the trigs go in centered on the time or with the offset? Hold down a trigger and press left or right to bring up the display.
You can only save one note for step so if you’re trying to slow the sequencer vet Dow. For more notes in a pattern, unfortunately that won’t get you anywhere.