LFO to start problem

I’m pretty sure it’s a known issue and I will be the stupid of the year, but

I’m tryin to assign a ramp LFO to start (same behavior if sliced or not) to play a sample, and just can’t fit the track length to the cycle of the LFO.
No matter high or low i set the time or depth, there is always a short time, a lag with the slice or the audio portion repeats itself.
Any clue please?

video below

If you want to synchronize the LFO to the pattern start you need to use either trig mode SYNC ONE or SYNC HALF.

For speeds and how the relate to time check out this conversion sheet:

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I use SYNC TRIG for that purpose.
Sync Trig, 32, Depth 64

Start = 64

For slices, settings vary depending on sample length and the number of slices.

Thank you so much, I’ll try now

No workie :frowning:
Same thing with sync trig