LFO routing / Trig


I would like to understand something…

If I want to use LFO in TRIG mode from an other track.
Where should I put the trigs ?
On the LFO track or sound track ?


Lfo track.

or use a trig position from the audio/sound/machine track to trigger your LFO track, this way you don’t have to program extra trigs on LFO track.

but also can be appropriate having independent LFO track trigs depending on what you want to achieve.

many options, especially with track trig chains introduced in X.04

When you say “or use a trig position from the audio/sound/machine”

You talk about trig menu ? The same as trig chain menu ?

Trig chain here is the only way to trig the other lfo track ?

Not convenient at all to have other sounds on other tracks :confused:

Maybe it can build something in rytm and organic anyway…

Will have yo search this way.

Thank you guys