LFO Designer crossfader interpolation?

I’m getting an Octatrack within a week and wonder how the crossfader works on the LFO Designer. Say I make a random LFO Designer shape on a single cycle saw wave applied to pitch and assign to Scene A then I hit random again and assign to Scene B. Will Octatrack interpolate the data values and create all the different LFO shapes in between them altering the pitch between the shapes?

or will it convert both to audio and fade the audio between the two files with the imprinted LFO Designer shapes from A to B?

No ability to morph directly like on the MD. You can use 2 LFOs sent to the same parameter. One with depth max on scene A and min on scene B and vice-versa for LFO 2.
I don’t recall how it ends up, additive or if one supersedes the other. Instead of sending them to the same parameter, you might have to send LFO 2 to the depth of LFO 1 and get creative with the scene assignment.