Mixing is probably my biggest Achilles heel in completing songs with my Elektrons, due to the number of outputs vs. the number of sounds. With the exception of the Monomachine and Analog Keys (and maybe the RYTM, I haven’t really looked at the output situation there), all the other machines require you to track one thing at a time, combine outputs in some way, or track from the stereo outputs. I generally just record from the stereo outputs due to convenience/laziness, and because good luck trying to recreate a performance by tracking one thing at a time. I try to get the mix out of the machine as perfect as I can before recording, but there are obvious limitations if you want to do any additional mixing on your hats without affecting your kicks, or your bass without affecting your lead, etc.
So let’s talk about the methods you use when tracking and mixing from your Elektron gear. Could be specific to Elektron stuff, could be tips for improving a mix with different elements, etc. Whatever tips you have, let’s share them and grow together .
I try an process my samples(mainly just highpass stuff) before I feed them to my OT. My thru machines effects that I use finish with either an eq, filter or spatilizer. This sorta works for me. I just had an idea. If i use a computer with a visual eq (ableton live 9 eq8) I could listen to my whole mix from the main outputs then individually send through the computer from the cue outs to see what eqing needs to be down. Then resample in ableton with the new eq setting copy back into static/flex list
Hey Accent, I hear ya, trying to get things perfect sending L&R to tape can be a melt sometimes. Before i got a mixer just a few months ago id mix completely in the machines, MD>A4>Live.
I found Mid/Side EQ to help a lot on the stereo files/mixes, great for pulling specific elements back and forward within the stereo field and balancing a dodgy mix/recording session.
Mid/Side…brilliant! I’ve heard of it and knew a little about it, but hadn’t looked into it. That’s a very useful tip…off to try mixing some old tracks and see if that helps. Thanks!
Another tip i read recently was to use pink noise to balance a mix, but i haven’t spent enough time with this technique yet to know how effective it is. I could see it being useful for achieving consistency in levels across patterns/tunes, something i struggle with tbh.
I recently just acquired a GL2200 for all our big jamz and it has a pink noise OSC built in, i assume its for this technique.