Has anyone here found or created any good Lemur templates for Elektron gears? There are a few things on the Lemur user library, some of which I think may no longer work. I know I saw Dogma mention recently that he has a great Lemur template for the OT, but I don’t think he has shared it.
I’m still determined to make a template for the Monomachine, but I’ve had a hell of a time making sense of how to roll your own in Lemur.
There are a couple of good ones for the Machinedrum that i know of… MDC Morphor
and for the Octatrack the old files section at the Elektron Users section has a couple… Here
Looked high and low for a decent Monomachine template & have started to build one on a couple of occasions with limited results. Would pay for one with the right features.