Lemur templates for Elektron devices

Has anyone here found or created any good Lemur templates for Elektron gears? There are a few things on the Lemur user library, some of which I think may no longer work. I know I saw Dogma mention recently that he has a great Lemur template for the OT, but I don’t think he has shared it.

I’m still determined to make a template for the Monomachine, but I’ve had a hell of a time making sense of how to roll your own in Lemur.

There are a couple of good ones for the Machinedrum that i know of…

and for the Octatrack the old files section at the Elektron Users section has a couple…

Looked high and low for a decent Monomachine template & have started to build one on a couple of occasions with limited results. Would pay for one with the right features.

Accent have already tried in the Community Library of the Liine’site?

go to the page and make a manual search within the page for “elektron”

you’ll find 2 Octatrack’s templates and the Scene Mixer for Analog4

OTRP is my tool for tempo-dependent repitching of tracks on OT. http://Hotoolz.tk

I have a parameter morpher for AR ready, will upload asap.

Note: i prefer to do specific tools rather than general purpose control surfaces…(which have to cater to individual tastes)

*being paid sounds good! What do you need?!