Layering kicks

People here are also doing that on the OT(layering kicks)? Im using my acidlab miami and send the kick thru a MOOG MF booster and record it thru aux on the octatrack. then just filtering and using my ears.

People here with other tackticks or moves?


…it’s always way more easy to fad up a too thin kik, than to thin out a too fad one…

the best impression of a FAD track in most cases is achieved with a kik that leaves room to the bassline…

layering kiks is always best if two kiks make one, and each kik has it’s own job…

one is the belly, one is the transient click…that makes sense.

but doubling up bellys to be be even more fad, leads to serious problems in most cases, showing up, once you hear them loud on big systems…
but then it’s too late…