I am currently sitting in a bar in prague 1 after a whirlwind trip and was wondering if any of you may have a recommendation on something to do tonight!
I understand it’s last minute and it is Monday but god loves a tryer!!
Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated
i’m not sure what’s on tonight - if anything looks like death metal - but the cross club is impressive… it’s an industrial artistic music place/bar/restaraunt, worth a look.
Hey man! Thanks yeah, I think I will head to the cross club. Seems cool! Was also thinking about a place called the meet factory, but seen it closes like at 8pm? Again thanks so much!
The herna bars are open all night and cheapest drinks in town.
Drink at yer own risk!
I always like Chateau behind Old Town for something random (cool decor last I was there - years ago). Akropolis maybe?
Go have a super nice dinner at my favorite restaurant in the whole world, Mon Ami! Get the Domaci Chleb and a Pleskavica.