Korg Prophecy

There’s a CTRL panel that let’s you edit the Prophecy as a plugin.
It’s been a while since I used it, but it works…better than on the Prophecy itself, which is really time consuming.


I have one of these somewhere, I wouldn’t mind trying to work out all the MIDI CC numbers and try to link them into a Cirklon instrument def so the Prophecy can be controlled externally.

cheers UYoYU :slight_smile:

they make ctrlr for mac too …
link for the mac app:

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just wanted to say thanks again for the Prophecy editing template for ctrlr.

any other mac owners out there wondering if it is easy to visually edit the Prophecy synth, it is, and free. Ctrlr is free, so is the template.

open Ctrlr standalone mode (right-click and select Open, to access the app, as it is from an unsigned developer, in this case is safe).

Select the input and output device in the Midi menu.

In the “Device Channel” for the “Controller”, select the option at the top for “all midi channels”

the output midi channel is set to be 1 by default if i remember correctly. anyway that worked for me.

Click on a different Oscillator combo in the on-screen Oscillator Set. Immediately whatever sound is on the Prophecy changes as the adjustment happens instantaneously.

What was going to require months of study, practise, manual-reading… is now achieved in one afternoon.

The entire interface of the custom Ctrlr-Prophecy template, looks like a virtual analog software synth. The only difference being, this is the convenience of graphical user interface at its best and most appropriate, with the funky coolness of a hardware synth.

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This post got me to install it again, and do some patches, but…
Did you get snapshot or patch receive working ?
Would be nice to see the gui updated.

I got 2 Prophecys and a Z1. Both are great unique synths.

Both sound even better through AH or oldschool JBL loaded bass amps

This synth is so weird and fantastic!

i think everything sounds great through AH.
i havent actually used my prophecy since i bought it , the interface was surprisingly slow.
but i did like the sound of it.

I heard the prodigys ‘fat of the land’ and immediately went out and bought a prophecy, i paid £800 for it (basically for the ‘smack my bitch up’ preset!..it got some use though…fat of the land was like a prophecy preset album!

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haha no.

but changes i make on the Ctrlr interface are reflected immediately in the sound on the Prophecy, and so if i dig the sound, i save it on the user memory of the Korg, hence, no need to send nor receive snapshots/patches.

with this lovely yellow interface of the Ctrlr page, i have everything accessible immediately.

as re5et mentioned “the interface was surprisingly slow.”. Now, it is surprisingly fast :smiley:

fascinating, cheers for the share :slight_smile: i should explore the possibilities of the z1 in the future.

polyphonic arpeggiator would be cool.

interesting. yes for some patches they are very soft. Feeding into the Machinedrum audio input A, often it requires input volume maximum and Cue at maximum level.

usually this is only if i have forgotten to take down the default Individual Volume of the current drum sounds in a Kit.

Alesis Quadraverb also cool hardware effects unit.
Or the stereo chorus/flanger from Electro-Harmonix, the Electric Mistress…

Btw you were right, Purusha, the Z1 is not inferior, just different. I listened more closely to online demo’s and the keyboard sounds amazing.

the tempo per minute of Patch 1 “Prophetic Steps” of the Korg Prophecy factory sound: 111.2 bpm …

i still haven’t figured out how to change the tempo of that simply fabulous patch (however it is programmed won’t sync to external clock source, although the arpeggiator does), so went the other way around, tempo synced the Octatrack to that :smiley:

it’s a super fun sound to play with and having the rhythm synchronised in tempo makes the fun and games slightly more enjoyable.

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To all people that want to buy a cheap Prophecy nowadays: Be sure to check the OS version by pressing and holding ENTER and EXIT when powering on. I had the chance to buy one for 200euros but stumbled upon some good info:

First batch OS 13 chip had multiple timing issues and the ROM is soldered to the pcb, jacks are soldered to the board and intend to break after time! OS 14 to 17 also had timing issues but think the chips had sockets so that’s an easy swap. I think from OS 18 the timing issues are gone. And the latest OS 20 is supposed to be bugfree (think the chip wasn’t sold from KORG, but somewhere online if you can find it nowadays!) This 200euro Prophecy had OS 13, so I didn’t buy it. Hope I can find one in the future with at least OS 18…


So I bought it, couldn’t resist this superb, sometimes very weird haunting, mega complex synth for 175euro, I knew what I was getting because I love easy synth restauration mods, tested it for a few minutes, all good, coming home the L output fades out after 5 min, wiggle it and it works again, so another problem again, the jacks are soldered to the board, flimsy! Resolder the jacks and it would work but don’t move the synth, be gentle with the jacks or the solder will get cracked again! Better option = solder wires and put your own jacks in and attach to the panel! Never jack problems again…

Keys are yellowish, including all the wheels, so I suppose it’s like Lego, put your gray/yellowish mod wheels and white yellowish keys into water and peroxide for a few hours into the sun! Enjoy after a few hours the original color! A cool job for the next summer :slight_smile:

Next then on my list: doing a factory reset, buying the 2 chips with os 20 and soldering in the synth or sockets, replacing the internal battery, searching for expansion cards (instrumental), searching if I can mod this thing to have more banks of sound.

I think this is the best synth for what I was searching for , namely the accoustic stuff, it is just superb! (ok think a yamaha VL1 is the best but way to pricy) only thing it’s mega deep, so complex, menu diving, but it’s just unbelievable the price this beast goes nowaydays, it’s certainly going higher prices in the future, very underrated synth!
After the mods/updates planning to sequence this with A4 mk1, hope they bring RND arp and cc’s out on the midi out of a4, or maybe use MD to lfo the hell out of it.

I’ve had a Prophecy for a couple of years now, haven’t used it a great deal but did come across the OS problem somewhere on the net, can’t remember off the top of my head.
Anyway, it was enough to make me do the Enter and Exit check and mine came up with OS 17 (boo).
Did have a look on ebay for the replacement OS 20 chips and came across some quite cheap, around £30 for the pair.
Not opened mine up yet to see if the chips are soldered, if they are i might give it a miss, or maybe see if an electronically minded mate of mine might have a go at fitting them.

i didnt realize there were different OS chips! ill have to dig mine out of the garage sometime and check, i’ve been meaning to take it in for a servicing. one of the keys needed to play smack my bitch up with the og preset is dead :frowning:

Hope it’s ok to post this video link.
It concerns how to check and strip the Prophecy and replace the chips.